

In this code, what does “x%2 != 0” mean?

I know what != means, more specifically, I don’t know what % means. Is it different than " a fraction of 100"?

This compares the reminder of x when divided by two to zero. It effectively determines if x is odd.

package main

import (

func main() {
	for x := 0; x < 10; x++ {
		isOdd := x%2 != 0
		fmt.Printf("%d is isOdd: %t\n", x, isOdd)


0 is isOdd: false
1 is isOdd: true
2 is isOdd: false
3 is isOdd: true
4 is isOdd: false
5 is isOdd: true
6 is isOdd: false
7 is isOdd: true
8 is isOdd: false
9 is isOdd: true



Very cool. Thanks!

[quote=“lutzhorn, post:3, topic:12384”]
This compares the reminder of x when divided by two to zero. It effectively determines if x is odd.

I saved this answer in a file that I call “Answers to Go Questions”

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