Kapersky says to find a backdoor in trace.exe

Kapersky anti-virus today says the following:
13-06-18 07:46:20 Task started File Anti-Virus Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Task started File Anti-Virus
13-06-18 07:54:50 Malicious object detected File Anti-Virus Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry DOMAIN\serie500 Detected: Backdoor.Win32.Gorsh.j C:\prg\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\trace.exe Local databases 0 1528857780 0
13-06-18 07:54:58 Object deleted File Anti-Virus Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry DOMAIN\user Deleted: Backdoor.Win32.Gorsh.j C:\prg\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\trace.exe

go version go1.10.3 windows/amd64

I reinstalled using the repair option, but trace.exe was deleted again.
Probably a false positive?



hi, I’m not experienced with computer security, but most people just upload the file to virustotal site.
If it has say 1 or a bit more hit you’re probably safe. If you realy want to be sure go to the support of kaspersky
and create a support ticket and ask it there

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