is built by go?
AFAIK this forum is using Discourse as platform.
Discourse is built using a combination of Ruby on Rails for the backend and Ember.js for the frontend. It also utilizes PostgreSQL for the database, Redis for caching, and JavaScript for additional frontend functionalities.
Is go not suitable for website design?
This is a very funny joke.
I don’t know how you came to this conclusion, but it’s obvious that you don’t understand golang.
You should understand which projects golang is used in instead of drawing conclusions based on a website.
IMHO Go is better suited for web sites than most other languages. But this only an opinion
Based on this and your other posts, it seems like you’re new to programming. You might want to take a step back and read a good book that will serve as an introduction to Go/programming in general. “Web design” has nothing to do with Go. Can Go serve up web content and does it have a templating engine as well as 3rd party support for the stuff you need to create a web application? Absolutely.
If you wanted to build something like Discourse, you would use Go for the back-end to create a RESTful API and use some sort of front-end framework for the UI. If you want an example of forum software written with Go on the backend and react on the front end, check out Apache Answer. There is an instance of it dedicated to Go here.
There are also a lot of other options for web development beyond the stdlib. You could use templ and possibly combine that with htmx. A lot of people are using that with modern web apps where they want it mostly server-side but sometimes want it to feel like a SPA.
Here are a few links for you to check out:
- How We Built Uber Engineering’s Highest Query per Second Service Using Go | Uber Blog
- Go for Web Development - The Go Programming Language
- Case Studies - The Go Programming Language
Companies like Uber and NYT have invested pretty heavily in Go. Every language/ecosystem/platform is a series of tradeoffs, and right now Go is situated with a pretty good mixture of tooling, good enough performance, compile time, dependency management, ecosystem, etc. It especially shines in the web/backend world; partially due to its’ concurrency model and how it handles io streams, etc. It’s very well suited for network-y applications, of which the web is.