I’m writing some Go for the first time outside of an IDE and am not getting immediate feedback for my syntax and semantic errors, so after finally attempting a build and going through tens of errors, I hit one that though I understand what it’s telling me, I don’t understand why it’s an error. I put a reproducible scenario together in the playground here.
For those who don’t click, here’s my test
func test() error {
return nil
This produces a compile-time error: “missing return at end of function.” Like I said, I understand what this is telling me, but why is this an error? If I instead change the function to:
func test() {
There’s no error.
I’ve been skimming through the language specification here but I still can’t yet tell why not having a return statement at the end is an error if the code is unreachable; it doesn’t surprise me considering how strict Go is about unused variables, imports, etc., but is that specified anywhere?