I’m not even really sure what this would be called. I have an issue in my code shown here:
package controller
import (
type userLogOut struct {
userLogOutTemplate *template.Template
func (h userLogOut) regRoutes() {
http.HandleFunc("/logout", h.handleUserLogOut)
http.HandleFunc("/logout/", h.handleUserLogOut)
func (h userLogOut) handleUserLogOut(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Println("In handleuserLogOut")
viewModel := viewmodel.UserLogOutPage()
h.userLogOutTemplate.Execute(w, viewModel)
When I call “/logout” the code runs fine, when I call “/logout/” the code redirects to my index page for some reason. I have no idea where it would be doing that from. I’ve searched through my controller that’s handling authentication and done print statements, but the code never executes. It’s like my "/logout/ route request is being hijacked.
Is there a way in any of the go tools to watch what methods are being called as you execute your program?
Thank you