Is it possible to embed generic structs with go2go?

Hi, I wonder if it is possible to use composition and embed a generic struct (with go2go of course)?

I wan’t to do something like this:

type A[T any] struct {
    a T

func (a A[T]) F() T {
    return a.a

type B[T any] struct {

func main() {
    b := B[string]{A[string]{"Hello"}}

I would get this error message which is referring to the call to “Println” in the main-function: “type B[string] of b does not match A[T] (cannot infer T)”

A non-generic version of this might be this (which works and prints “Hello”):

type A struct {
    a string

func (a A) F() string {
    return a.a

type B struct {

func main() {
    b := B{A{"Hello"}}

I am not very familiar to this new generic aspect in Go, so it might be that I am doing it wrong? Or is it impossible?


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