Installing a text editer

I put this in my terminal: ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”

I got a whole lot, for the lack of a better way to express it. The last thing on the terminal is: Password:, with a small image of a key after. Am I now to do something? Has the text editer been installed?

Now whenever I hit enter, I get… Sorry, try again.


Sounds like a password prompt that expects you to log into your user account to provide permissions for your command to run. I don’t know exactly what you’re trying to do or if you’re following a particular guide, but if you’re just trying to install an editor to work with Go one simple option might be installing Visual Studio Code; it has a visual installer that might be more accessible and also contains extensions to help you work with Go:

Thats the snippet to install homebrew.

I do not own any apple devices, so I can not check, but according to the installation instructions, it should tell you what is going on. But it probably wants to install itself into areas of your computer that are locked up against normal user write access.

Users might use a tool called sudo to gain necessary rights to write into those restricted areas. The install script is probably instrumenting this tool.

Usually you can simply use the password of the user that is currently logged in, at least if that user is allowed to elevate himself.

At the end, this has nothing to do with golang, bit with homebrew, please ask them for support.

Also, homebrew itself is not an editor, it is a package manager that shall make it easier to install software on a MacOS computer.

And make sure you have OSX 10.11, according to, thats the minimum version required to use the install snippet you posted above. If you do not have that version of OSX but an older one, you need to do a manual install as described in

I was instructed to use this command by Go Resources to which I was directed by the book An Introduction to Programming in Go (Getting Started)

As the book seems to be available online for free, could you please tell us, from where in the book you have been directed to which resource which then told you to install homebrew as an editor?

The book I found online only references an installer, which they provide as a download by themselves. I might add some links to this post when I’m in reach of a PC

I’ve taken a closer look, and at least the online version of the book tells this in the “Getting started → Text Editors” section:

To make the installation of this software easier an installer is available at the book’s website: This installer will install the Go tool suite, setup environmental variables and install a text editor.

The webpage itself doesn’t seem to have such an “installer” available, but only just another “installing stuff” section, where they in fact do only provide the homebrew install command line snippet without further instructions.

I’d drop that book after this experience, as it seems to be unable to hold its own promises.

But maybe the remaining pages are better, just try a random editor of your choice with a golang plugin. Atom, VScode, IntelliJs Go IDE, Emacs, there are many. Just pick one, preferably that one that you use already for your daily bread and butter.

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Update: I contacted Apple who simply instructed me to try again. I don’t know why, but this time it did not say “Password” again.
This is what I got:

==> This script will install:







==> The following new directories will be created:














==> The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed.

Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort

(Me again :slight_smile) From this, do you know. Is the program installed now?

Well, have you pressed enter or any other key?

If which brew does not spit out an error, it was a success with a very high chance, I can’t tell you more as I’m not a MacOS User.

It’s called the “return” key on the Mac. (Caution: I haven’t used a Mac in many years!)

Also try running the command


It looks like that’s where it is installed. If that works, and just a simple “brew” command doesn’t, then you need to add /usr/local/bin to your shell’s $PATH environment variable. Try the command

echo $PATH

to see if /usr/local/bin is in the list of directories that are separated by semicolons.

Tes, I did hit the key which actually says “enter return” :slight_smile:

Yes, not tes :slight_smile:

When I tried the first command, I got: -bash: /usr/local/bin/brew: No such file or directory

When I tried the second command, I got: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/go/bin

So what happened when I did that?

It seems that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH, but brew was not installed there.

I think maybe none of the installation actually happened.

I suggest you run the installation again, watch for error messages, and if /usr/local/bin/brew still doesn’t exist, let us know what error messages you see.

I wonder if you got the Password: prompt because you need superuser permissions to install things into /usr/local.

If all you are looking for is a text editor, I agree with Norbert that your best approach is to simply find an editor you like, and use that. I’ll add my favorite, vi (vim) to the list he gave you.

Also, here are some more free online books for learning Go:

The Little Go Book

Learning Go:
PDF version:

Go for Javascript Developers:
(In case you already know Javascript)

Go Bootcamp:

None of them are perfect.

I’m not sure what to do. I think I’ll just wait on it for awhile

I’m incredibly a newby having no background in programming at all. I’m going through some online courses with Todd McCleod. Yes, I am just beginning to use the Go playground. I have no idea how to use the bash shell. Don’t worry. I’m determined to get there :slight_smile:

Definitely learn some bash commands and a find a text editor you like! It’s a very good investment of time. I got my first account on a Unix system in 1981, and the first things I learned were the shell and the (only) text editor on the system. I am still using them today as my main tools (in Free Software, enhanced versions, bash and vim).

There are many bash tutorials online. As for your text editor, there are many popular ones.

Here’s a link to the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, with their idea of what editors and development environments are popular with programmers:

Development Environments and Tools

Or you can search for something like “best programming OR code OR text editor” to get lists of suggestions. I generally prefer things that are simple and free (both in price and in liberty), but there are some commercial products that are more full featured and have become quite popular.

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