Install go 1.23.1

I unistalled version 1.21.3 from my PC and download version 1.23.1 for Windows ARM 64. It runed fine abut when i issue go version in my command window I got - “go version go1.21.3 windows/amd64”.Is there something i forget to do ?

Please check whether the environment variables are set properly, it looks like they are not set properly and are not completely uninstalled.

restart your terminal or your computer

  1. I use Add/Remove programs and remove the installation of go.
  2. I checked Progam File sdirectory and teher is no Go directory
  3. run go version in command line and got “go is not recognized as an internal or external comand”

And when install version 1.23.1 still i go 1.21.3 when run go version…

Please go check the environment variables! If you don’t know what an environment variable is, look it up Google.

I uninstall go, delete all environment vars and values related with go.
Run go version and it show the message “go is not a recognized command”.
To me it is like a first-time installation, and I downloaded the newest version 1.23.2, install and when i run go version from the command line I got 1.21.3…
Another hint ?

You can try to install it via zip.

I tried it but same result… :frowning:

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