I’ve tried everything… [stuck with this one and still need to do a bulk version also].
Anyone see what’s wrong.
At the bottom is the create Table:
pmnt is a struct
func (pmnt tPGPayment) SingleInsert(pgdb *pgsql.DB) (err error) {
ctx, cancelfunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancelfunc()
sqlStatement := "INSERT INTO public.salespayments (invoicenumber, paydatetime_ltz, paytimestamp_epoc, paid, fintransactionid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
stmt, err := pgdb.PrepareContext(ctx, sqlStatement)
if err != nil {
grpcLog.Errorf("PgSql SingleInsert: Error %s when preparing SQL statement: `%s`\n", err, sqlStatement)
return err
defer stmt.Close()
_, err = stmt.ExecContext(ctx, pmnt.InvoiceNumber, pmnt.PayDateTime_Ltz, pmnt.PayTimestamp_Epoc, pmnt.Paid, pmnt.FinTransactionID)
if err != nil {
grpcLog.Errorf("PgSql SingleInsert: Error %s when inserting row into table: `%s`\n", err, "salespayments")
return err
if vGeneral.Debuglevel >= 2 {
grpcLog.Infoln("PgSql SingleInsert: \t\t\t1 row inserted")
return nil
2024/09/01 13:38:55 ERROR: PgSql SingleInsert: Error pq: syntax error at or near "," when preparing SQL statement: `INSERT INTO public.salespayments (invoicenumber, paydatetime_ltz, paytimestamp_epoc, paid, fintransactionid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`
2024/09/01 13:38:55 ERROR: PgSql SingleInsert: Error pq: syntax error at or near "," when preparing SQL statement: `INSERT INTO public.salespayments (invoicenumber, paydatetime_ltz, paytimestamp_epoc, paid, fintransactionid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`
2024/09/01 13:38:55 ERROR: PgSql SingleInsert: Error pq: syntax error at or near "," when preparing SQL statement: `INSERT INTO public.salespayments (invoicenumber, paydatetime_ltz, paytimestamp_epoc, paid, fintransactionid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`
Struct Def:
type TPPayment struct {
InvoiceNumber string `json:"invoiceNumber,omitempty" avro:"invoiceNumber" db:"invoicenumber"`
PayDateTime_Ltz string `json:"payDateTime_Ltz,omitempty" avro:"payDateTime_Ltz" db:"paydatetime_ltz"`
PayTimestamp_Epoc string `json:"payTimestamp_Epoc,omitempty" avro:"payTimestamp_Epoc" db:"paytimestamp_epoc"`
Paid float64 `json:"paid,omitempty" avro:"paid" db:"paid"`
FinTransactionID string `json:"finTransactionId,omitempty" avro:"finTransactionId" db:"fintransactionid"`
Create table:
CREATE TABLE public.salespayments (
invoicenumber varchar(40) NOT NULL,
paydatetime_ltz varchar(32),
paytimestamp_epoc varchar(14),
paid decimal(10,2),
fintransactionid varchar(40),
created_at timestamptz DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (invoicenumber))
TABLESPACE pg_default;
CREATE INDEX salespayments_invoicenumber_idx ON public.salespayments (invoicenumber);
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public.salespayments OWNER to dbadmin;