Idiom for exiting from for { select { ... } }?

What is the right way to instruct Go to leave a for { select { ... } } block? I tried break, but unfortunately break only leaves the inner select block, I think as a historical fact that break is associated with terminating case blocks within switches :frowning:

Should we declare a boolean variable and do for theVar { select { ... } }?

Use assembler labels?

Wrap in an anymous 0-ary function and immediately call it, with return keyword? Reeks of ECMAScript 3 nonsenseā€¦

A boolean variable is one option. Another might be to move some of the code into a function that you can return from. A third option, which is likely what you are looking for, is a label and a break label. Basically this is what they look like:

func main() {

// This is the label
	for {
		select {
		case <-done:
                    // This is the break with a label
			break PrintLoop
		case word := <-word:

You can see this actually being used here:

Note: The term ā€œlabelā€ is used in effective Go and should be accurate, but Iā€™m not 100% what to call a break statement with a label so I just go with ā€œbreak labelā€ or ā€œlabelled breakā€. If someone knows an official term please share it. calls it break label

Well, the labels must be used very carefuly and are very limited situations where a label is needed. Is better to use any other standard methods instead because jumping uncontrolled in your application can have unexpected results.

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