I am trying to use sublime text editor for Golang

Hi guys, I am new to coding and I am trying to learn Golang using sublime text editor. I am having issues setting it up with Golang packages that offers up error detection and autocompletion. In the course of my research, I realized that I need to install lsp gopls and terminus. But I don’t get it. Please I will appreciate if someone can give me step by step how to run go program smoothly on sublime text. Thanks

For gopls you can try this article here. You can try alternatives which are more automated. I use vs code and golang support is very strong there.

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Yeah - I think VSCode would be extra helpful for a new developer as the go autocomplete/navigate to definition is very good. The first time you open a .go file, it will prompt you to install the go plugin which takes care of keeping gopls up to date, etc.

That said, OP, did you try this?

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try goland ? It’s the most comfortable I’ve ever used.