http2 help on go1.6

I must be doing something stupid, but I can not get http2 to work on my server after upgrading go to 1.6. I am doing some custom things with my TLS connections so I tried to mess with that a bit, until…

go get The Go Programming Language


Connecting to
Connected to
Negotiated protocol “h2”
The handle is invalid.

The same errors for connection to and my own test server.
go version go1.6 windows/amd64

When testing a TLS site without http2 support the message is as expected:

Connecting to
Connected to
Negotiated protocol “”
Could not negotiate protocol mutually

You might be running into this bug in the 1.6 release if using http2 in a client?

If not perhaps try golang nuts for more help

Thanks for your help, the patch does not solve my problems directly, or fix h2i, but at least I got a http2 client that I can test with.

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