How to use github package in offline?

I can only go online from the VM.
And develop Go language in offline environment.
At this time, I need to bring a project from github and use it offline, but I don’t know how to do it.
Please help me

You just need to download all the dependencies while you are online.

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You might also be looking for go mod vendor if you want to download your dependencies and check them in:

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Packages are downloaded to GOPATH.
You can import and use the go.mod file and the go.sum file together.

I need to work on Go language projects in an offline environment. Currently, I can only access the internet from within a virtual machine (VM). However, I would like to bring a project from GitHub and use it offline for development purposes. Unfortunately, I’m unsure about the steps involved in accomplishing this.

Download the project from github in the VM and build it.
The necessary packages are then stored in GOPATH.
After copying the above packages to the offline environment’s GOPATH, build the project.

Using GitHub packages offline requires a bit of preparation and configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set it up:

  1. Download Packages: First, you need to ensure you have access to the GitHub packages you want to use offline. This can be done by downloading the package and its dependencies from GitHub while you are online. Save the packages in a directory on your local machine.
  2. Create a Local Package Repository: Next, you need to set up a local package repository on your machine. You can use a package manager like “npm” for Node.js packages or “pip” for Python packages to create the repository.For example, if you want to create a local npm package repository:
  • Install verdaccio: Verdaccio is a private npm registry that can be set up locally.
  • Configure verdaccio: Point it to the directory where you saved the downloaded npm packages.
  • Start verdaccio: Run the verdaccio server, and it will serve as your local npm registry.
  1. Configure Package Manager: Update your package manager’s configuration to use your local repository as a source for packages. For npm, you can use the following command:

npm config set registry http://localhost:4873/

Replace http://localhost:4873/ with the appropriate URL for your local repository.
4. Install Packages Offline: Now that your package manager is configured, you can install packages just like you would do online, but this time it will fetch them from your local repository.For example, to install an npm package:

npm install package-name

The package manager will look for the package in your local repository and install it from there.
5. Handling Updates: If you want to update a package, you’ll need to repeat the process of downloading the updated package and its dependencies from GitHub and adding them to your local repository.

  1. Download the Project:
  • On a machine with internet access, go to the GitHub repository of the project you want to download.
  • Use the “Clone or Download” button to get the repository URL.
  1. Transfer the Project to Your VM:
  • If your VM doesn’t have direct internet access, use a method like scp (Secure Copy Protocol) to transfer the project and its files to your VM. Capcut Mod APK
  1. Download Dependencies:
  • On a machine with internet access, use the go get command to download all the necessary dependencies for the project. This command will also download the project itself.

bashCopy code

go get -u
  • Replace with the actual URL of the project.
  1. Transfer Dependencies to Your VM:
  • Once the dependencies are downloaded, you’ll need to transfer them to your VM. This might involve compressing them into a ZIP file and using scp to move them over.
  1. Set Up Your Development Environment:
  • Make sure you have Go installed on your VM.
  1. Build and Run the Project:
  • Navigate to the project directory and use the go build command to compile the project.

bashCopy code

go build
  • Run the compiled binary.

bashCopy code


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