How to not repeat xml attributes

I’m completely new to Golang, and I’m finding it interesting to learn

I’m working on a code to convert csv file to xml file. When I execute the code, I’m able to generate a xml file but the output is not as expected.

Expected output:


However, when I execute my code, it repeats and before every , and so on


It might be useful to post the relevant parts of your code, since without that there’s nothing to go off of to try and see where things are going wrong and answer this in any meaningful way.


Take a look over this small xml package to see how the things works. Also it’s an example there.

1 Like
package main

import (

type Data struct {
	BMOfile []Manifest `xml:"Manifest",omitempty`

type Manifest struct {
	Header  *Header  `xml:"Header"`
	Package *Package `xml:"Package"`

type Package struct {
	EswShipmentReference             string     `xml:"EswShipmentReference"`
	CustomerReference                string     `xml:"CustomerReference"`
	CarrierReference                 string     `xml:"CarrierReference"`
	BrandOrderReference              string     `xml:"BrandOrderReference"`
	ServiceLevel                     string     `xml:"ServiceLevel"`
	Weight                           string     `xml:"Weight"`
	WeightUnit                       string     `xml:"WeightUnit"`
	VolumetricWeight                 string     `xml:"VolumetricWeight"`
	ShippingValue                    string     `xml:"ShippingValue"`
	ShippingValueDuty                string     `xml:"ShippingValueDuty"`
	ShippingValueVat                 string     `xml:"ShippingValueVat"`
	ShippingValueCurrencyCode        string     `xml:"ShippingValueCurrencycode"`
	GoodsDescription                 string     `xml:"GoodsDescription"`
	GoodsValue                       string     `xml:"GoodsValue"`
	GoodsValueDuty                   string     `xml:"GoodsValueDuty"`
	GoodsValueVat                    string     `xml:"GoodsValueVat"`
	GoodsValueCurrencyCode           string     `xml:"GoodsValueCurrencyCode"`
	DutyTaxHandlingValue             string     `xml:"DutyTaxHandlingValue"`
	DutyTaxHandlingValueCurrencyCode string     `xml:"DutyTaxHandlingValueCurrencyCode"`
	Piece                            string     `xml:"Piece"`
	TotalPieces                      string     `xml:"TotalPieces"`
	CountryOfOrigin                  string     `xml:"CountryOfOrigin"`
	Shipper                          *Shipper   `xml:"Shipper"`
	Consignee                        *Consignee `xml:"Consignee"`
	Incoterm                         string     `xml:"Incoterm"`
	DistributionCentre               string     `xml:"DistributionCentre"`
	Hold                             string     `xml:"Hold"`
	PackageDimensionsHeight          string     `xml:"PackageDimensionsHeight"`
	PackageDimensionsWidth           string     `xml:"PackageDimensionWidth"`
	PackageDimensionsLength          string     `xml:"PackageDimensionsLenght"`
	PackageDimensionsUnit            string     `xml:"PackageDimensionsUnit"`
	CODValue                         string     `xml:"CODValue"`
	CODValueCurrencyCode             string     `xml:"CODValueCurrencyCode"`
	PUDO                             string     `xml:"PUDO"`
	OrderPaymentId                   string     `xml:"OrderPaymentId"`
	OrderPaymentValue                string     `xml:"OrderPaymentValue"`
	OrderPaymentValueCurrencyCode    string     `xml:"OrderPaymentValueCurrencyCode"`
	EswOrderDate                     string     `xml:"EswOrderDate"`
	EswPackageShippedDate            string     `xml:"EswPackageShippedDate"`
	ContainsDangerousGoods           string     `xml:"ContainsDangerousGoods"`
	InsuranceValue                   string     `xml:"InsuranceValue"`
	AdditionalImportInformation      string     `xml:"AdditionalImportInformation"`
	Item                             *Item      `xml:"Item"`

type Header struct {
	Version            string `xml:"Version"`
	AccountNumber      string `xml:"AccountNumber"`
	PackageCount       string `xml:"PackageCount"`
	FileCreateDateTime string `xml:"FileCreateDateTime"`
	TimeZone           string `xml:"TimeZone"`
	Filename           string `xml:"Filename"`

type Shipper struct {
	Name       string `xml:"Name"`
	Address1   string `xml:"Address1"`
	Address2   string `xml:"Address2",omitempty`
	City       string `xml:"City"`
	Region     string `xml:"Region"`
	PostalCode string `xml:"PostalCode"`
	Country    string `xml:"Country"`
	Telephone  string `xml:"Telephone"`
	Email      string `xml:"Email"`

type Consignee struct {
	ConsigneeDetails *ConsigneeDetails `xml:"ConsigneeDetails"`
	ConsigneePUDO    string            `xml:"ConsigneePUDO"`
	Identification   string            `xml:"Identification"`

type ConsigneeDetails struct {
	Name       string `xml:"Name"`
	Address1   string `xml:"Address1"`
	Address2   string `xml:"Address2",omitempty`
	City       string `xml:"City"`
	Region     string `xml:"Region",omitempty`
	PostalCode string `xml:"PostalCode",omitempty`
	Country    string `xml:"Country"`
	Telephone  string `xml:"Telephone"`
	Email      string `xml:"Email"`

type Item struct {
	Description           string `xml:"Description"`
	CustomsDescription    string `xml:"CustomsDescription"`
	Quantity              string `xml:"Quantity"`
	UnitPrice             string `xml:"UnitPrice"`
	UnitPriceDuty         string `xml:"UnitPriceDuty"`
	UnitPriceVat          string `xml:"UnitPriceVat"`
	UnitShippingValue     string `xml:"UnitShippingValue"`
	UnitShippingValueDuty string `xml:"UnitShippingValueDuty"`
	UnitShippingValueVat  string `xml:"UnitShippingValueVat"`
	Currency              string `xml:"Currency"`
	CountryOfOrigin       string `xml:"CountryOfOrigin"`
	HsCode                string `xml:"HsCode"`
	ProductCode           string `xml:"ProductCode"`
	ItemWeight            string `xml:"ItemWeight"`
	WeightUnit            string `xml:"WeightUnit"`
	ProductDescriptionURL string `xml:"ProductDescriptionURL"`
	FTA                   string `xml:"FTA"`
	DangerousGoods        string `xml:"DangerousGoods"`

func main() {
	csvFile, _ := os.Open("BMO_File1.csv")
	reader := csv.NewReader(csvFile)
	var note []Manifest
	for {
		line, error := reader.Read()
		if error == io.EOF {
		} else if error != nil {
		note = append(note, Manifest{
			Header: &Header{
				Version:            line[0],
				AccountNumber:      line[1],
				PackageCount:       line[2],
				FileCreateDateTime: line[3],
				TimeZone:           line[4],
				Filename:           line[5],
			Package: &Package{
				EswShipmentReference:             line[6],
				CustomerReference:                line[7],
				CarrierReference:                 line[8],
				BrandOrderReference:              line[9],
				ServiceLevel:                     line[10],
				Weight:                           line[11],
				WeightUnit:                       line[12],
				VolumetricWeight:                 line[13],
				ShippingValue:                    line[14],
				ShippingValueDuty:                line[15],
				ShippingValueVat:                 line[16],
				ShippingValueCurrencyCode:        line[17],
				GoodsDescription:                 line[18],
				GoodsValue:                       line[19],
				GoodsValueDuty:                   line[20],
				GoodsValueVat:                    line[21],
				GoodsValueCurrencyCode:           line[22],
				DutyTaxHandlingValue:             line[23],
				DutyTaxHandlingValueCurrencyCode: line[24],
				Piece:                            line[25],
				TotalPieces:                      line[26],
				CountryOfOrigin:                  line[27],
				Shipper: &Shipper{
					Name:       line[28],
					Address1:   line[29],
					Address2:   line[30],
					City:       line[31],
					Region:     line[32],
					PostalCode: line[33],
					Country:    line[34],
					Telephone:  line[35],
					Email:      line[36],
				Consignee: &Consignee{
					ConsigneeDetails: &ConsigneeDetails{
						Name:       line[37],
						Address1:   line[38],
						Address2:   line[39],
						City:       line[40],
						Region:     line[41],
						PostalCode: line[42],
						Country:    line[43],
						Telephone:  line[44],
						Email:      line[45],
					ConsigneePUDO:  line[46],
					Identification: line[47],
				Incoterm:                      line[48],
				DistributionCentre:            line[49],
				Hold:                          line[50],
				PackageDimensionsHeight:       line[51],
				PackageDimensionsWidth:        line[52],
				PackageDimensionsLength:       line[53],
				PackageDimensionsUnit:         line[54],
				CODValue:                      line[55],
				CODValueCurrencyCode:          line[56],
				PUDO:                          line[57],
				OrderPaymentId:                line[58],
				OrderPaymentValue:             line[59],
				OrderPaymentValueCurrencyCode: line[60],
				EswOrderDate:                  line[61],
				EswPackageShippedDate:         line[62],
				ContainsDangerousGoods:        line[63],
				InsuranceValue:                line[64],
				AdditionalImportInformation:   line[65],
				Item: &Item{
					Description:           line[66],
					CustomsDescription:    line[67],
					Quantity:              line[68],
					UnitPrice:             line[69],
					UnitPriceDuty:         line[70],
					UnitPriceVat:          line[71],
					UnitShippingValue:     line[72],
					UnitShippingValueDuty: line[73],
					UnitShippingValueVat:  line[74],
					Currency:              line[75],
					CountryOfOrigin:       line[76],
					HsCode:                line[77],
					ProductCode:           line[78],
					ItemWeight:            line[79],
					WeightUnit:            line[80],
					ProductDescriptionURL: line[81],
					FTA:                   line[82],
					DangerousGoods:        line[83],
	if file, err := xml.MarshalIndent(note, "", " "); err == nil {
		file = []byte(xml.Header + string(file))
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", file)
		err = ioutil.WriteFile("notes.xml", file, 0644)

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