How to get relative path from runtime.Caller

I have a function which returns new error with caller file path (fn from runtime.Caller(1))

But I want to get relative path (relative to the dir in which go build, also the directory of main.go)

How to achieve this gracefully?

func NewError(e interface{}) error {
	if e != nil {
		_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
		return fmt.Errorf("[error] %s:%d %v", fn, line, e)
	return nil

Use os.Args?

It has all the arguments that starts the go program, including the go binary path (os.Args[0]).

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go binary path can change if you move the binary file to somewhere else

but the fn returned by runtime.Caller will not change


In a file relative.go define the following

package main

import (

func init() {

var prefixPath string

func initRelative() {
    _, fileName, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
    prefixPath = filepath.Dir(fileName)

func relative(path string) return {
    if filepath.HasPrefix(path, prefixPath) {
        return path[len(prefixPath):]
    return path

This code assumes that the file relative.go is stored in the build root directory. You may need to modify the code to match your specific use case.




package utils

import (

func init() {

var prefixPath string

func initRelative() {
	_, fileName, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	prefixPath = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(fileName))) + "/"

func relative(path string) string {
	return strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(path), prefixPath)


package utils

import (

// NewError :
func NewError(e interface{}) error {
	if e != nil {
		_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
		return fmt.Errorf("[error] %s:%d %v", relative(fn), line, e)
	return nil


use filepath.ToSlash (cross pratform)


That’s better than my code. But relative.go is in the utils package and filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(fileName)) removes only relative.go at end of fileName. So prefixPath ends with “…/utils/”. As a consequence, paths not starting with “…/utils/” won’t be changed into a relative path.

To fix that I suggest you change your initRelative function into the following.

func initRelative() {
	_, fileName, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	prefixPath = fileName[:len(fileName)-len("utils/relative.go")]

This should set prefixPath to the root path of your project.


It will be the directory of main.go using filepath.Dir twice…

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