How to get an array of elements from Mongodb with mgo pkg?

Hi I’m trying to make a query to mongo where I need to get an array of elements which is inside a collection’s property, I have the following in my code:

func (p *ProductMongo) Get(id bson.ObjectId, limit, skip int) ([]*Product, error) {
	query := []bson.M{
		{"$match": bson.M{"_id": id}},
		{"$project": bson.M{"products": bson.M{"$slice": []interface{}{"$shop.products", skip, limit}}, "_id": 0}},
	var products []*Product
	err := p.DB(d.Databases["db_sites"]).C("sites").Pipe(query).All(&products)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return products, nil

It doesn’t give me an error but when I print the slice products it’is empty I dont know why.

This is my collection:

    "_id" : ObjectId("592ed0834c96f81708f826bc"),
    "owner" : ObjectId("592ed0834c96f81708f826bd"),
    "domain" : "",
    "server" : "",
    "wh_client_id" : "",
    "license" : "DEMO",
    "about" : "all",
    "template" : "592466ea6df79a254b58f464",
    "plan" : "",
    "type" : "commercial",
    "wizard" : 9,
    "maindata" : {
        "identity" : {
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            "title" : "Título de mi sitio",
            "slogan" : "Eslogan de mi sitio"
        "company" : null,
        "contact" : {
            "email" : "",
            "address" : null,
            "tels" : [],
            "gmap" : {
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                "y" : -99.2835235595703,
                "addr" : "Calle Clemente Rueda 9, San Fernando, 52765 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico"
            "schedules" : [],
            "is" : ""
        "social" : null
    "templatedata" : {
        "menus" : [],
        "slides" : [ 
                "title" : "Título del primer producto estrella",
                "description" : "Descripción del producto estrella",
                "img" : "nOYF9HEL3ev2s-YXEdKsA-Z3mnI=.png"
                "title" : "Título del segundo producto estrella",
                "description" : "Descripción del producto estrella",
                "img" : "f2B6V_f1lUEohl6hA_agHivpEWw=.png"
                "title" : "Título del tercer producto estrella has changed",
                "description" : "Descripción del producto estrella",
                "img" : "bJddZIhz8q564__Y7-eFNIMsr3s=.png"
        "features" : [ 
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                "icon" : "fa-price",
                "img" : "",
                "description" : "Tenemos buenos precios"
                "title" : "Estrategia",
                "icon" : "fa-strategy",
                "img" : "",
                "description" : "Contamos con la mejor estrategia"
                "title" : "Calidad",
                "icon" : "fa-quality",
                "img" : "",
                "description" : "Manejamos la mejor calidad"
        "actions" : [ 
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                "description" : "Ver video",
                "link" : {
                    "active" : true,
                    "placeholder" : "URL",
                    "url" : ""
                "title" : "Comprar",
                "type" : "",
                "icon" : "fa fa-shopping-cart",
                "description" : "Compre ahora",
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        "footer" : []
    "edit" : null,
    "render" : null,
    "shop" : {
        "_id" : ObjectId("59402c614c96f85f65eae1cb"),
        "title" : "Nombre de la tienda changed",
        "description" : "Descripcion de la tienda",
        "products" : [ 
                "_id" : ObjectId("594836fa4c96f820fc535d40"),
                "name" : "Playera azul",
                "description" : "Esta playera tipo polo de color azul.",
                "shortDescription" : "Playera tipo polo",
                "images" : [],
                "thumbnails" : [],
                "price" : 300,
                "stock" : 10,
                "badge" : "",
                "categoryID" : ObjectId("594813b54c96f879848aab7c")
                "_id" : ObjectId("594837e74c96f824bea99988"),
                "name" : "Pantalón de vestir",
                "description" : "Este es un pantalón de vestir changed",
                "shortDescription" : "Pantalón de vestir",
                "images" : [],
                "thumbnails" : [],
                "price" : 880,
                "stock" : 5,
                "badge" : "",
                "categoryID" : ObjectId("594813b54c96f879848aab7c")
                "_id" : ObjectId("59484a7d4c96f8398bca4474"),
                "name" : "Laptop Macbook Pro",
                "description" : "Esta es la descripción de la Macbook pro 2016",
                "shortDescription" : "Esta es la descripción corta",
                "images" : [],
                "thumbnails" : [],
                "price" : 23800,
                "stock" : 7,
                "badge" : "",
                "categoryID" : ObjectId("594848934c96f8398bca4473")
                "_id" : ObjectId("594956684c96f83a3efe868f"),
                "name" : "Laptop Asus",
                "description" : "Computadora Asus i5 con 8GB de memoria RAM",
                "shortDescription" : "Computadoa Asus",
                "images" : [],
                "thumbnails" : [],
                "price" : 14999,
                "stock" : 12,
                "badge" : "peso",
                "categoryID" : ObjectId("594956244c96f83a3efe868e")
    "created" : ISODate("2017-05-31T14:17:39.389Z"),
    "active" : false,
    "public" : false

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