How to define a generic success / error result for API responses?

I’m coming from TypeScript and want to define objects for my API responses. In TS I used

type Result<T> = { isSuccessful: true; value: T; } | { isSuccessful: false; code: string; message: string; };

In Go I started with

type ResponseResultError struct {
	Code    string `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

type ResponseResult[T any] struct {
	Ok    bool                `json:"ok"`
	Value T                   `json:"value"`
	Error ResponseResultError `json:"error"`

but since Go supports tuples etc. maybe there are better solutions to solve this? How would you define “something” people can consume to either create a success response containing

{ isSuccessful: true; value: T; }

or an error response containing

{ isSuccessful: false; code: string; message: string; }


Or should I go for the following?

type InternalErrorResponseResult struct {
	IsSuccessful bool   `json:"isSuccessful"`
	Code         string `json:"code"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`

func NewInternalErrorResponseResult(code string, message string) InternalErrorResponseResult {
	return InternalErrorResponseResult{
		Code:    code,
		Message: message,

type OperationResponseResult[T any] struct {
	IsSuccessful bool `json:"isSuccessful"`
	Value        T    `json:"value"`

func NewOperationResponseResult[T any](isSuccessful bool, value T) OperationResponseResult[T] {
	return OperationResponseResult[T]{
		IsSuccessful: isSuccessful,
		Value:        value,

Your code looks fine to me. Is the rub that you only want one struct type? If so you should check out omitEmpty:

The “omitempty” option specifies that the field should be omitted from the encoding if the field has an empty value, defined as false, 0, a nil pointer, a nil interface value, and any empty array, slice, map, or string.

You could define your struct as follows:

type Result[T any] struct {
	IsSuccessful bool   `json:"isSuccessful"`
	Value        *T     `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Code         string `json:"code,omitempty"`
	Message      string `json:"message,omitempty"`

… to where it just doesn’t send the keys when they are zero values or nil. Since it’s idiomatic to use err != nil to determine whether something went wrong, you could also potentially simplify your constructor code to something like this if you wanted:

func NewResult[T any](value *T, err error) Result[T] {
	if err != nil {
		return Result[T]{
			IsSuccessful: false,
			Code:         http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError),
			Message:      err.Error(),
	return Result[T]{
		IsSuccessful: true,
		Value:        value,

Because again it’s idiomatic to do resp, err := doSomething() and it would flow to just pass resp, err into this NewResult func in my opinion. Put that together with some trite test code:

type someItem struct {
	ID    int
	Value string

func main() {
	value := NewResult(&someItem{23, "Hello"}, nil)
	errorValue := NewResult[someItem](nil, errors.New("Problem contacting database."))

… will yield:

{"isSuccessful":false,"code":"Internal Server Error","message":"Problem contacting database."}

Anyway, just some food for thought! You could also push this to a function like SendJSON[T any](value *T, err error, w http.ResponseWriter). That could inspect err and if nil, do one thing and if not nil do another. Here’s a playground link with above code:

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hi @jtuchel

Where do you plan to use this Response struct ? You need to give more details about that, it may be something specific to your app.

The idiomatic way for Golang is to have result, err := methodName(parameters). For an http server you write the status in the header and the result in the response body. Thus, having a struct storing the result and any possible errors, is not something very common.


Sorry @telo_tade , you are right. I want to use this struct for the HTTP response body. This struct won’t contain the HTTP status code. So whenever I want to send back “a value” back to the API consumer I want to use a common response structure. Based on the answer of @Dean_Davidson I tried this one

type OperationResponse[T any] struct {
	IsSuccessful bool   `json:"isSuccessful"`
	Value        T      `json:"value"`
	ErrorCode    string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
	Message      string `json:"message,omitempty"`

where ErrorCode means something like LicenseExpired. Then I created some util functions

func GetInternalErrorResponse() OperationResponse[*string] {
	return OperationResponse[*string]{
		IsSuccessful: false,
		Value:        nil,
		ErrorCode:    "??? TODO ???",
		Message:      "The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.",

func GetOperationFailureResponse(errorCode string, message string) OperationResponse[*string] {
	return OperationResponse[*string]{
		IsSuccessful: false,
		Value:        nil,
		ErrorCode:    errorCode,
		Message:      message,

func GetOperationSuccessResponse[T any](value T) OperationResponse[T] {
	return OperationResponse[T]{
		IsSuccessful: true,
		Value:        value,
		ErrorCode:    "",
		Message:      "",

What do you think?

Sure, that will work.

The alternative approach is this: you always send the response header (OK or a failure status), and for OK headers you send the value/result as JSON in the body. For non OK headers (whatever type of error header) you send in the body the error message (or a specific error message describing the situation - but not giving internal details like the error stack trace or any internal data).

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No need, JSON serialization has a lot of reflection in it

This is how many public rest APIs work. You only return the “value” as a result on succes with status code 200. And you only return the error with error status code. This creates readable code for the consumer and for the producer.

// Go producer:
result, err := myFunction(...)
if err != nil {
  http.Error(w, toJSON(err), http.InternalServerError)

writeJSON(w, result)

// helper function:
func toJSON(err error) string {
  cErr := codedError{code: "UnknownError", msg: err.Message()}
  errors.As(err, &cErr) // get details from codedError
  b, jsonErr := json.Marshal(cErr)
  if jsonErr != nil {
    log.Error("this should not happen...")
    return err.Message()
  return string(b)
// JavaScript consumer
const resp = await fetch('/api/...')
if (!resp.ok) {
  throw new CodedError(await resp.json())

return resp.json()
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Define a consistent structure for your API responses. This structure should include fields for indicating the status, message, and data (if applicable) of the response.

Include a status field in the response to indicate the outcome of the API request. For example, you can use values like “success” or “error” to represent the overall status.

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