How to append to a .go file

Hello i want to append new lines where i want in a .go file for example
i want to append fmt.Println(“new line”) before fmt.Println("Hello, world)
and also i want to add new line after “fmt” for example “myPackage”,

Does anyone have a example?

package main

import (

func main() {
    //fmt.Println("new line")
    fmt.Println("Hello, world)

Can you provide more context around what you’re trying to do and why? If you have a before and after of what you want the file to look like, using diff to create a patch and then applying it would probably be easiest.

Otherwise, are you allowed to change the original file? If so, you could do it with a template: Go Playground -

If not, you’ll have to parse the original source into an AST and then programmatically rewrite the AST with a package like Fatih Arslan’s astrewrite package.

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Hello you are right sorry i was tired at that time so i dint specified what ive done i solve my problem ill reply the solution

So hello i solve my problem with the next code

package main

import (

func main() {
	input, err := ioutil.ReadFile("file.go")// here i open the file i want to modify
	if err != nil {

	lines := strings.Split(string(input), "\n")// Here i store are lines that are in the file

	for i, line := range lines { // Here i loop trought all file lines
		if strings.Contains(line, "import (") || strings.Contains(line, "import(") {//here i search for the line i want to replace and add
			lines[i] = `import (
  "myPackage"`//here i replace the line with the new data

		if strings.Contains(line, "func main() {") || strings.Contains(line, "func main(){") {// Here i loop trought all file lines
			lines[i] = `func main() {
  fmt.Println("new line")`//here i replace the line with the new data

  output := strings.Join(lines, "\n")// here i join and add the new lines
	err = ioutil.WriteFile("file.go", []byte(output), 0644) // here i write to file with new data
	if err != nil {

Read your whole file as a []string, append to the slice itself, then overwrite the file with your new string slice.

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