How can I put asterisk in Elasticsearch using Golang library?

I already using the library olivere/elastic for elastic search,
this is the Elastic query it’s fine :

PUT i/i/1
  "id": 1

PUT i/i/2
  "id": 2

GET i/_search
{"query": {
    "query_string" : {"default_field" : "name", "query" : "*squad*"}
} }

The problem that I have in Golang, how can put an asterisk
I try this but it does not work :

    package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("line (42):::", A())

func A () []map[string]int {

	ctx := context.Background()
	client, _ := elastic.NewClient()
	fmt.Println("line(15):::", v)
	m, _ := client.IndexExists("i").Do(ctx)
	fmt.Println("line (17):::", m)
	d := ` {"query_string" : {"default_field" : "name", "query" : "*squad*" }}`
	//d := ` {"query_string" : {"default_field" : "name", "query" : "BombSquad" }}`
	//d:= `{ "match_phrase_prefix":{"name","query": "BombSquad" }}`
	//d :=  `{"match_all":{}}`
	//d := ` {"name", "query" : "squad"}`
	myQuery := elastic.NewSimpleQueryStringQuery(d)
	searchResult, err := client.Search().Index("i").Query(myQuery).
	fmt.Println("line (26):::", err)
	type GameStruct struct {
		Name          string  `json:"name"`
		Id            int     `json:"id"`
	var (
		mapGameId       =      make(map[string]int)
		sliceMapGameId       []map[string]int
		foundResult          []interface{}
		ttyp                   GameStruct
	for _, item := range searchResult.Each(reflect.TypeOf(ttyp)) {
		foundResult = append(foundResult, item)
		if t, ok := item.(GameStruct); ok {
			//fmt.Printf("elastic by %s: %s\n", t.Name, t.Id)
	sliceMapGameId = append(sliceMapGameId, mapGameId)
	//fmt.Println("line (220):::", sliceMapGameId)
	return sliceMapGameId

finally, I solved this problem :

myQuery := elastic.NewSimpleQueryStringQuery(d)

instead shoud write :

myQuery := elastic.NewRawStringQuery(d)

That’s very powerful query hope this post help, someone