How can i know limit memory size of golang application?(Sys, Heap, Stack)

Using memstat, i can check my current memory consumption but if i want to check memory ‘usage’, i need limits of memory.
How can i get limit size of memory of golang application? (especially, sys, heap, stack)

  • sys means the total amount of memory size of golang application. (code + data + heap + stack)

Are you using runtime.ReadMemStats already? It returns this

type MemStats struct {

    // Alloc is bytes of allocated heap objects.
    // This is the same as HeapAlloc (see below).
    Alloc uint64

    // TotalAlloc is cumulative bytes allocated for heap objects.
    // TotalAlloc increases as heap objects are allocated, but
    // unlike Alloc and HeapAlloc, it does not decrease when
    // objects are freed.
    TotalAlloc uint64

    // Sys is the total bytes of memory obtained from the OS.
    // Sys is the sum of the XSys fields below. Sys measures the
    // virtual address space reserved by the Go runtime for the
    // heap, stacks, and other internal data structures. It's
    // likely that not all of the virtual address space is backed
    // by physical memory at any given moment, though in general
    // it all was at some point.
    Sys uint64

    // Lookups is the number of pointer lookups performed by the
    // runtime.
    // This is primarily useful for debugging runtime internals.
    Lookups uint64

    // Mallocs is the cumulative count of heap objects allocated.
    // The number of live objects is Mallocs - Frees.
    Mallocs uint64

    // Frees is the cumulative count of heap objects freed.
    Frees uint64

    // HeapAlloc is bytes of allocated heap objects.
    // "Allocated" heap objects include all reachable objects, as
    // well as unreachable objects that the garbage collector has
    // not yet freed. Specifically, HeapAlloc increases as heap
    // objects are allocated and decreases as the heap is swept
    // and unreachable objects are freed. Sweeping occurs
    // incrementally between GC cycles, so these two processes
    // occur simultaneously, and as a result HeapAlloc tends to
    // change smoothly (in contrast with the sawtooth that is
    // typical of stop-the-world garbage collectors).
    HeapAlloc uint64

    // HeapSys is bytes of heap memory obtained from the OS.
    // HeapSys measures the amount of virtual address space
    // reserved for the heap. This includes virtual address space
    // that has been reserved but not yet used, which consumes no
    // physical memory, but tends to be small, as well as virtual
    // address space for which the physical memory has been
    // returned to the OS after it became unused (see HeapReleased
    // for a measure of the latter).
    // HeapSys estimates the largest size the heap has had.
    HeapSys uint64

    // HeapIdle is bytes in idle (unused) spans.
    // Idle spans have no objects in them. These spans could be
    // (and may already have been) returned to the OS, or they can
    // be reused for heap allocations, or they can be reused as
    // stack memory.
    // HeapIdle minus HeapReleased estimates the amount of memory
    // that could be returned to the OS, but is being retained by
    // the runtime so it can grow the heap without requesting more
    // memory from the OS. If this difference is significantly
    // larger than the heap size, it indicates there was a recent
    // transient spike in live heap size.
    HeapIdle uint64

    // HeapInuse is bytes in in-use spans.
    // In-use spans have at least one object in them. These spans
    // can only be used for other objects of roughly the same
    // size.
    // HeapInuse minus HeapAlloc estimates the amount of memory
    // that has been dedicated to particular size classes, but is
    // not currently being used. This is an upper bound on
    // fragmentation, but in general this memory can be reused
    // efficiently.
    HeapInuse uint64

    // HeapReleased is bytes of physical memory returned to the OS.
    // This counts heap memory from idle spans that was returned
    // to the OS and has not yet been reacquired for the heap.
    HeapReleased uint64

    // HeapObjects is the number of allocated heap objects.
    // Like HeapAlloc, this increases as objects are allocated and
    // decreases as the heap is swept and unreachable objects are
    // freed.
    HeapObjects uint64

    // StackInuse is bytes in stack spans.
    // In-use stack spans have at least one stack in them. These
    // spans can only be used for other stacks of the same size.
    // There is no StackIdle because unused stack spans are
    // returned to the heap (and hence counted toward HeapIdle).
    StackInuse uint64

    // StackSys is bytes of stack memory obtained from the OS.
    // StackSys is StackInuse, plus any memory obtained directly
    // from the OS for OS thread stacks (which should be minimal).
    StackSys uint64

    // MSpanInuse is bytes of allocated mspan structures.
    MSpanInuse uint64

    // MSpanSys is bytes of memory obtained from the OS for mspan
    // structures.
    MSpanSys uint64

    // MCacheInuse is bytes of allocated mcache structures.
    MCacheInuse uint64

    // MCacheSys is bytes of memory obtained from the OS for
    // mcache structures.
    MCacheSys uint64

    // BuckHashSys is bytes of memory in profiling bucket hash tables.
    BuckHashSys uint64

    // GCSys is bytes of memory in garbage collection metadata.
    GCSys uint64 // Go 1.2

    // OtherSys is bytes of memory in miscellaneous off-heap
    // runtime allocations.
    OtherSys uint64 // Go 1.2

    // NextGC is the target heap size of the next GC cycle.
    // The garbage collector's goal is to keep HeapAlloc ≤ NextGC.
    // At the end of each GC cycle, the target for the next cycle
    // is computed based on the amount of reachable data and the
    // value of GOGC.
    NextGC uint64

    // LastGC is the time the last garbage collection finished, as
    // nanoseconds since 1970 (the UNIX epoch).
    LastGC uint64

    // PauseTotalNs is the cumulative nanoseconds in GC
    // stop-the-world pauses since the program started.
    // During a stop-the-world pause, all goroutines are paused
    // and only the garbage collector can run.
    PauseTotalNs uint64

    // PauseNs is a circular buffer of recent GC stop-the-world
    // pause times in nanoseconds.
    // The most recent pause is at PauseNs[(NumGC+255)%256]. In
    // general, PauseNs[N%256] records the time paused in the most
    // recent N%256th GC cycle. There may be multiple pauses per
    // GC cycle; this is the sum of all pauses during a cycle.
    PauseNs [256]uint64

    // PauseEnd is a circular buffer of recent GC pause end times,
    // as nanoseconds since 1970 (the UNIX epoch).
    // This buffer is filled the same way as PauseNs. There may be
    // multiple pauses per GC cycle; this records the end of the
    // last pause in a cycle.
    PauseEnd [256]uint64 // Go 1.4

    // NumGC is the number of completed GC cycles.
    NumGC uint32

    // NumForcedGC is the number of GC cycles that were forced by
    // the application calling the GC function.
    NumForcedGC uint32 // Go 1.8

    // GCCPUFraction is the fraction of this program's available
    // CPU time used by the GC since the program started.
    // GCCPUFraction is expressed as a number between 0 and 1,
    // where 0 means GC has consumed none of this program's CPU. A
    // program's available CPU time is defined as the integral of
    // GOMAXPROCS since the program started. That is, if
    // GOMAXPROCS is 2 and a program has been running for 10
    // seconds, its "available CPU" is 20 seconds. GCCPUFraction
    // does not include CPU time used for write barrier activity.
    // This is the same as the fraction of CPU reported by
    // GODEBUG=gctrace=1.
    GCCPUFraction float64 // Go 1.5

    // EnableGC indicates that GC is enabled. It is always true,
    // even if GOGC=off.
    EnableGC bool

    // DebugGC is currently unused.
    DebugGC bool

    // BySize reports per-size class allocation statistics.
    // BySize[N] gives statistics for allocations of size S where
    // BySize[N-1].Size < S ≤ BySize[N].Size.
    // This does not report allocations larger than BySize[60].Size.
    BySize [61]struct {
        // Size is the maximum byte size of an object in this
        // size class.
        Size uint32

        // Mallocs is the cumulative count of heap objects
        // allocated in this size class. The cumulative bytes
        // of allocation is Size*Mallocs. The number of live
        // objects in this size class is Mallocs - Frees.
        Mallocs uint64

        // Frees is the cumulative count of heap objects freed
        // in this size class.
        Frees uint64

Any more than that and you’ll have to use OS Specific ways of reading info about the current process.

Eg using syscall.Rusage - pass the current process id in as who

Yes, i already read runtime.ReadMemStats. But as i mentioned, i can’t find MAX value… TT. I need MAX value to predict disability situation.

I think you might have to measure that yourself

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