How can i get top 3 most popular words from []string
how can i get top N used words in a []string w/o getting the other words? commented in the code how the result might look like.
This is what it looks like just for counting. But im trying to get the top 3 frequent words

  1. Modify rangeMap to receive a parameter that indicates how many top values you want to return

  2. Use this code

    func rangeMap(s []string, count int) map[string]int {
        words := strings.Split(strings.Join(s, ""), " ")
     // count occurences	
     m := make(map[string]int)
     for _, word := range words {
     	_, ok := m[word]
     	if !ok {
     	  m[word] = 1
     	} else {
     // Takes max values
     counts:= make(map[string]int)
     for key, value := range m {
        if value > 0  {
            counts[key] = value
     // Sorts By Value
     keys := make([]string, 0, len(counts))
     for key := range counts {
     	keys = append(keys, key)
     sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return counts[keys[i]] > counts[keys[j]] })
     // Builds result map	
     result := make(map[string]int)
     for _, key := range keys {
        result[key] = counts[key]
        if count == 0 {
     return result

Thanks for the solution, but im not really sure what is happening here after we range over our sorted string.
The results part


After sort the keys, we will build a map to return the results to the caller. This code is

// Builds result map
result := make(map[string]int)
for _, key := range keys {
	result[key] = counts[key]
	if count == 0 {
return result

/count is the number of items you want to return. You mention 3 top, so count is that number.
However, the tricky part is the sort

// Takes max values
	counts := make(map[string]int)
	for key, value := range m {
		if value > 1 {
			counts[key] = value

This part takes only the words that are repeated in the string. I wrote 0 (value > 0) but the number should be 1 (value > 1)

Afther this, we build a slice with the keys of the above map. The sort routune takes the count of each of those keys to order this slice.


Here it is:

You correctly identified the first part of the solution. You first need to count the words and for this you use a map.

What is missing, is the second step. To get the three most frequent words, you need to sort the words by count. For this you need a slice of word-count pairs that you may then sort.

Once the slice is sorted, the three first entries is what you want to print.


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