How can I find blob using blob index tags in golang

Could you please help me how can I find blob using blob index tags in GoLang

One common service for this purpose is Azure Blob Storage, which supports metadata and tags for blobs.

Here’s a simple example using the Azure Storage SDK for Go. Make sure to install the SDK before using it:

go get -u

Now, you can use the following code to find a blob using blob index tags:

package main

import (


func main() {
	accountName := "your_account_name"
	accountKey := "your_account_key"
	containerName := "your_container_name"
	blobName := "your_blob_name"

	// Create a Storage Account credential using your account name and key
	credential, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey)
	if err != nil {

	// Create a pipeline using your Storage Account credential
	pipeline := azblob.NewPipeline(credential, azblob.PipelineOptions{})

	// Create a blob URL
	blobURL := azblob.NewContainerURL(
		azblob.NewServiceURL(fmt.Sprintf("", accountName), pipeline),

	// Get blob properties including metadata and tags
	getBlobResp, err := blobURL.GetBlob(context.Background(), azblob.BlobRange{}, azblob.BlobAccessConditions{}, false)
	if err != nil {

	// Access blob metadata and tags
	blobMetadata := getBlobResp.NewMetadata()
	blobTags := getBlobResp.BlobTags()

	// Find the blob using blob index tags
	if blobTags != nil {
		for key, value := range blobTags {
			// Check if the desired tag is present
			if strings.ToLower(key) == "your_tag_key" && strings.ToLower(value) == "your_tag_value" {
				// Perform actions on the blob, e.g., print its metadata
				fmt.Println("Blob Metadata:", blobMetadata)

	fmt.Println("Blob with specified tag not found.")

Replace placeholders like "your_account_name," "your_account_key," "your_container_name," "your_blob_name," "your_tag_key," and "your_tag_value" with your actual Azure Storage account information.

This example assumes you're using Azure Blob Storage, and the tags are set as metadata for the blob. If you're using a different storage service or have a different setup, the approach might differ. Always refer to the documentation of the specific storage service you are using.

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