How can I better understand packages/modules and the go filesystem?

I have a hard time understanding the packaging/modules and filesystem structure of go.

GOROOT=“C:\Program Files\Go”

The reason why I am confused also is because I don’t know where to do my work and why I am unable to import gorilla/mux. Also, I’m unsure of this but is gorilla/mux supposed to appear in my src folder? I tried getting it but it doesn’t appear there and I know I’m in the correct workspace because I removed all folders and reinstalled everything.

could not import (cannot find package "" in any of 
	C:\Program Files\Go\src\\gorilla\mux (from $GOROOT)
	C\src\\gorilla\mux (from $GOPATH)

Ideally, I am trying to make a website that has a go backend. Not sure if I am setting it up correctly but I am learning as I go.

Help is appreciated!

I think in current Go realities, it would be better to use Go Modules instead of GOPATH if you start with Go language.

Go Modules has several benefits:

  • You can store your codebase independently of the GOPATH workspace.
  • It is easier to get started.
  • GOPATH will be deprecated in the future versions of Go. Go Modules is a de-facto standard approach nowadays.

So, a quick example of how to create projects using Go Modules:

  1. Create a new directory for a project. You can create it anywhere on your mounts.
  2. Initialize go.mod file via go mod init command in the terminal.
  3. Create a new package, main.go file, etc.
  4. Import in your files.
  5. Run go mod tidy in the terminal to add module requirements and sums.
  6. Run your application, e.g. go run main.go.
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