The source code is also available for those curious about how it was written (see link in the footer).
To vote you can register easily without an email, otherwise votes have no effect. There are of course more and more places for discussion of golang nowadays (including this forum and reddit), however I would like to see a quality list of links to resources like videos, jobs etc, all in one place, which is easy to browse and curate. Of course doing that requires an audience contributing, which is you, dear reader.
I’d love to hear some feedback, or see some people try posting some stories or comments, so please try it out and let me know what you think.
Wow that looks weird.Thanks for letting me know. I’m using Chrome on OS X Version 45.0.2454.101 (64-bit), and it looks ok. I’ll try it out in windows and see if I can fix - unusual to see an issue specific to windows though, I wonder if there is some cache issue with styles.
Looking at your pic, I think windows is showing a scrollbar for the list items, hence the arrows, and grey bar at the bottom of each item. I’ve had a quick look at disabling scrolling with overflow:hidden but not sure if that will work as I don’t have windows to hand to test with. I’ll have a proper look later on, and thanks for letting me know.
Yes I started off making hacker news as an exercise (to test out a framework partly), but it would be good to not steal their colours completely. Easy to change fortunately, so I might move away from the orange bar. Unfortunately wasn’t available
Re categories, yes good idea, I’d gone with the HN tradition of prefixing posts with Ask:, Video: etc to put them in a category (hence the links at the top), which is quite a neat hack I think, so you can add to those just by choosing the right title (Ask:,Show:, Video:,Hiring:), but I might also let you add tags/categories to stories so that they can be filtered that way too.
Thanks, I have removed all overflow scroll for now except one on the header on mobile, as it looks fine on some browsers but awful on others (which auto-display scrollbars). I should have a hamburger menu in the header for mobile probably anyway, so don’t need scroll there either. Sorry, the dangers of testing only on one platform.
Looks pretty great, but do we really need this now? IIRC, /r/golang is generally accepted place for such sort of stuff and I can’t see why would people want to switch to golang-specific hacker news website.
Looks pretty great, but do we really need this now? IIRC, /r/golang is generally accepted place for such sort of stuff and I can’t see why would people want to switch to golang-specific hacker news website.
I prefer HN to reddit by a long way for lots of reasons, but golang links and news tends to just get lost there, so I made this. The hard part is community though, not making a little site like this. It was fun though!
Congrats to the people by the way, it’s nice to have somewhere to discuss golang topics aside from golang-nuts and I’m happy this forum exists now. The more sites the better as far as I’m concerned as the Go community grows, some will flourish, some will die off.
the same strange image on Ubuntu with Chrome 45.0.2454.93.
@geosoft1 Hopefully this is fixed now, I had a look at the scrolling issue and chose a new header colour. If you do see something weird still a screenshot would be really handy.
Maybe have a menu link for “Podcasts” like you have for “Videos”.
Good idea. Thanks for registering to have a look around - if you add some podcasts with a title Podcast:, I’ll add this to the top menu, don’t want to add it without anything to show though.
Can you please add RSS support?
I did wonder about this, it’d be pretty trivial to add so I’ll look at doing that at some point soon, thanks for the suggestion.