Gorilla/mux path parameter not found

I’ve been using multiplexer from Gorilla/mux for a while and happy about it. Until suddenly it’s not working anymore when I redeployed my app to AWS Beanstalk.
Everytime that I try to access a path with parameter, the value of the parameter is always empty. But that’s not the case if the path doesn’t have a parameter.

For example, given the URL of http://www.mydomain.net/myresource/{id}, the value of {id} is empty.
But it works if I have a path without parameter like the following example:

This is only happening if I do deployment from AWS CodeBuild which deploys directly to AWS Beanstalk. If I build from my local box and deploy it to AWS Beanstalk it will work. I can also run it it in my local box.
It seems there is something not right in AWS CodeBuild. I run dep, so the package that’s put in the vendor folder is the same version as what I have in my local box, and I have double checked to make sure they are identical

My question, what steps that I need to next on troubleshooting this?


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