Google Sheets API empty cells

When reading a sheet using Google Sheets API, I’m getting a panic “index out of range” if any cells are empty.

I’m using this package: which responds with a Values interface (resp.Values).

What is the easiest way to just leave it blank without panicking if it’s blank?

if len(resp.Values) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("No data found.")
	} else {
		var csvOutput string = "ShipDate, BOL, SCAC, PRO, PO, SO, Dest"
		var shipDate, BOL, SCAC, PRO, PO, SO, dest string
		for _, row := range resp.Values {
			// Read values and comma separate into a string.
			shipDate = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[0])[0:10]
			SCAC = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[2])
			BOL = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[3])
			PRO = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[4])
			PO = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[5])
			SO = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[6])
			dest = fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[7])

Check the length of the row before you attempt to index into it.

I recommend adding a little helper function:

tryRowSprintf := func(format string, row []interface{}, index int, fallback string) string {
    if index <= 0 || len(row) <= index {
        return fallback
    return fmt.Sprintf(format, row[index])

	if len(resp.Values) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("No data found.")
	} else {
		var csvOutput string = "ShipDate, BOL, SCAC, PRO, PO, SO, Dest"
		var shipDate, BOL, SCAC, PRO, PO, SO, dest string
		for _, row := range resp.Values {
			// Read values and comma separate into a string.
			shipDate = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 0, "0000-00-00")[0:10]
			SCAC = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 2, "")
			BOL = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 3, "")
			PRO = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 4, "")
			PO = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 5, "")
			SO = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 6, "")
			dest = tryRowSprintf("%v", row, 7, "")

I would consider this the easiest way because it has few changes to the format of your existing code: There’s a new function but it’s outside of your code’s current “main flow.”

Depending on the code around what you’ve posted, I and/or others may have other suggestions!


Thanks Sean! This mostly works, however the shipDate is always 0000-00-00 left like this. The check if index <= 0 means that the first index, [0], always returns fallback.

I tried changing it to if index <= -1 but then I get a panic, “slice bounds out of range [:10] with length 0.”

Changing to “if index < 0” and passing “” as the fallback value works well enough. I’ll just have to grab the first 10 digits if they exist later on.

Thanks for your help!

My suggestion had a bug in it; this is the correct fix! With the bounds corrected, you should be able to keep using “0000-00-00” (or something else) as the default and keep the [:10].