GOMOBILE with permission issue on Android > 19


This issue is already pretty old and has bee raised several times in other contexts, e.g. like here:

Up to now no solution. I wonder, if this couldn’t be solved in near future, since it prevents the proper usage of network functionality with a GOMOBILE module under Android. It is a permission issue introduced with API 30 and affects all devices running GOMOBILE and having Android > 10.

In my case it did hit me while using LiveKit GO SDK, which is based on PION GO WebRtc.

There is currently no work around, at least not to my knowledge.

I/GoLog: "msg"="could not create answer" "error"="failed to create network: route ip+net: netlinkrib: permission denied"
I/GoLog: "msg"="could not set remote description" "error"="failed to create network: route ip+net: netlinkrib: permission denied"
I/GoLog: "msg"="could not add ICE candidate" "error"="failed to create network: route ip+net: netlinkrib: permission denied"
I/GoLog: "msg"="could not add ICE candidate" "error"="failed to create network: route ip+net: netlinkrib: permission denied"

Sorry, typo in title. Android > 10 of course

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