Go2linq v4.0.0-alpha.13 is released. Go implementation of .NET’s LINQ to Objects


go2linq v4 is Go implementation of .NET’s LINQ to Objects.

go2linq v4 is based on iter.Seq, so it requires setting GOEXPERIMENT=rangefunc when executing go commands.


go get github.com/solsw/go2linq/v4


Examples of go2linq usage are in the Example... functions in test files.

Quick and easy example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	filter, _ := go2linq.Where(
		go2linq.VarAll(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
		func(i int) bool { return i > 6 || i%2 == 0 },
	squares, _ := go2linq.Select(
		func(i int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %d", i, i*i) },
	for square := range squares {

The previous code outputs the following:

2: 4
4: 16
6: 36
7: 49
8: 64
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