Go web framework GIn usability for routing


I am newbie in go and have to develop reverse proxy for my project and want to use gin for routing purpose with inbuilt reverse proxy apis. Is it good decision to go with gin? Is it really makes our routing fast. Please advice.


Use nginx, it’s already built and battle-tested.


Use traefik, nginx, Apache, haproxy, many other, as they are already well known and battle tested.

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We have to do customization in implementation due to custom need.

Is it good decision to go with gin?

If you’re using gin already and it works, great. I think it would be fine for a reverse proxy application. Did you have a more specific question?

Is it really makes our routing fast

I can’t tell if this is a question about speed or if you’re simply stating that it makes your routing fast. If the former, I think performance on gin should be fine. If you want an absolute barebones router that is lightning fast, you could also check out julienschmidt/httprouter. I believe gin’s routing is or was based on httprouter. But again, if you’re using gin and it’s working I don’t see a reason to switch. Though for a reverse proxy I bet gin includes all sorts of features you don’t need.

We have to do customization in implementation due to custom need.

That sounds like more than a reverse proxy perhaps. As others mentioned, nginx et al are great options and battle tested and very fast.

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