Go test is failing, even if my function is returning expected result

package sqrt

func Sqrt(num int64) float64 {
	const precision = 0.001

	i := int64(1)
	for ; i*i <= num; i++ {
	result := float64(i - 1)

	for ; result*result <= float64(num); result += precision {

	return result - precision
package sqrt

import "testing"

var sqrtTests = []struct {
	num    int64
	result float64
	{9, 3.0},
	{10, 3.162},
	{5, 2.236},
	{97, 9.848},
	{16, 4.0},

func TestSqrt(t *testing.T) {
	for _, tt := range sqrtTests {
		if got := Sqrt(tt.num); got != tt.result {
			t.Errorf("got: Sqrt(%d)=%f, want: Sqrt(%d)=%f", tt.num, got, tt.num, tt.result)

[okumar@oshank-pc:sqrt]🎩 go test 
--- FAIL: TestSqrt (0.00s)
    sqrt_test.go:19: got: Sqrt(10)=3.162000, want: Sqrt(10)=3.162000
    sqrt_test.go:19: got: Sqrt(5)=2.236000, want: Sqrt(5)=2.236000
    sqrt_test.go:19: got: Sqrt(97)=9.848000, want: Sqrt(97)=9.848000
exit status 1
FAIL    <http://github.com/oshankfriends/go-examples/sqrt|github.com/oshankfriends/go-examples/sqrt>       0.001s

The difference is probably somewhere behind the stripped part. One doesn’t compare floating point numbers with the equality comparator.

One does check if they are within an allowed delta to the target value.


Replace it with a call to a function like this:

func EqualFloat(a, b, precision float64) bool {
	diff := a - b
	if diff < 0.0 {
		diff = -diff
	return diff < precision
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