Hi all!
I’m trying work with github using library GithubLibrary
I have some problem with it
If i get only one repo info, than i can’t use methods to work with all issues in this repo
When i trying get all issues from specific repo i can’t undestand how correct set options values if they did not need me
For example:
myGHBClient := github.NewClient(tokenClient)
opt := &github.IssueListByRepoOptions{
State: "all",
Assignee: "",
Creator: "",
Mentioned: "",
Labels: []string{"bug"},
Sort: "",
Direction: "asc",
Since: "", // I trying to get all issues without time relation
// But library specific i must using some timeline
ListOptions: {0,0}, // there i have some trouble like this
// missing type in composite literal
issue, _, err := myGHBClient.Issues.ListByRepo(context, "User", "Repo", opt)
i’m just trying get all issues from specific repo filtered by label and status
What i’m doing wrong?