Get largest N ints from large input

Consider a \n separated file of ints that is so large that it does not fit into memory. To find the largest N ints in this file it is not possible to read the file into memory and sort it. The file must be read line by line.

I’d implement this using a slice to hold the top N ints found so far plus the int read from the current line. To compare the current int against the current top N, I’d use sort.Sort.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// We are interested in the n largest ints.
	n := 5

	// The slice tops will hold the n largest ints on
	// positions 1..n-1 and the current int on position 0.
	tops := make([]int, n+1)

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		// Read the next int.
		text := scanner.Text()
		i, err := strconv.Atoi(text)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not parse int from '"+text+"'\n")

		// Put it on position 0 of the slice.
		tops[0] = i

		// Sort the slice. If the current int is among the n largest,
		// it will be moved to a position > 0.

	// The largest n ints are on position 1..n-1.

This approach works but the comparison requires sort.Sort for every line.

What do you thing? Is this a reasonable approach? Is there a more efficient way to compare the current int with the current top N?


If the top N list is sorted you only need to compare with the lowest, and if your current item is larger use a binary search to find the insertion position. The list is then still sorted.

Yes, that could be an improvement.

How does sort.Sort sort such an almost sorted slice? Would a binary search be faster than sorting something like [12, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]?

You can’t binary search if it’s not sorted, but you also don’t need to keep the “current” element as part of the slice.

Something like this?


Sort seems like overkill… wonder if a ring could be used instead, if it would perform better? Altho, I’m pretty sure it would require more code to write.

I’ll try to take a look tomorrow (if no one else does).

That would be nice, any idea is welcome.

The boring solution is to run a command line file sort and read the output.

Does sort handl files of gigabyte size?

I don’t see why not (but I am an ex-mainframer so I have many strange pre-conceptions I suppose).

I have used the sort command on multi-gigabyte files. I wasn’t sure that it do numbers in text strings (not all the same width unless they have leading spaces/zeros; nor would it work if there were negative numbers). But I found this:

-n, --numeric-sort Compare according to string numerical value.

at Linux Sort Command Help and Examples

So I’m sure it would be faster than anything written in Go!


Here is a ring example:

This example actually gets the top N unique integers on the input stream. If you want dups instead, remove the check to see if the value is already on the ring.



Hey @lutzhorn, good question. So far, people have shared good thoughts and I just wanted to contribute a bit to the discussion. Your solution asymptotically takes O(M *(N * log N)) where M is the large number of \n separated ints like you shared. My suggestion improves it to O(M * log N )

I suggest you use a MinHeap ( which would allow you to keep track of the N top numbers while giving you O(1) access to the lowest number. This comes in handy to replace such lowest number with a larger one you see while scanning new numbers all in O(log N).

Here’s the code:

I hope this helps.