Generalized function to pass array of char from C to GO lang Ask

I am trying to copy content of structure in GO

type test struct {
    a string
    b string

to C structure.

typedef struct {
    char a[10];
    char b[75];

My requirement does not allow me to change the structure of member types of both GO and C. I have written the following code, to copy GO structure to C structure, and i am able to copy them too.


typedef struct {
    char a[10];
    char b[75];
void cmain(test_c* value);


#include <stdio.h>
#include "cmain.h"
#include "_cgo_export.h"

void cmain(test_c *value) {
    printf("Inside C code\n");
    printf("C code structure Member:a=%s\n", value->a);
    printf("C code structure Member:b=%s\n", value->b);


 package main
 import (
        #include "cmain.h"

type test struct {
    a string
    b string

func main() {

    var p_go test
    var p_c C.test_c
    p_go.a = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
    p_go.b = "QRSTUVXWYZ"
    StructMemberCopy(&p_c.a, p_go.a)
    fmt.Println("In GO code\n")
    fmt.Println("GO code structure Member:a=%s", p_go.a)
    fmt.Println("GO code structure Member:b=%s", p_go.b)

    fmt.Println("Call C function by passing GO structure\n")


func StructMemberCopy(dest *[10]C.char, src string) {
    for i, _ := range src {
        dest[i] = C.char(src[i])
        fmt.Printf("%d %c \n", i, src[i])

Here am trying to write a generalized function to copy the content of GO Structure member to C Structure

func StructMemberCopy(dest *[10]C.char, src string) {
        for i, _ := range src {
            dest[i] = C.char(src[i])
            fmt.Printf("%d %c \n", i, src[i])

In the above code, when i call the function StructMemberCopy(&p_c.a, p_go.a), with &p_c.a as argument the code compiles without any error, but when i send &p_c.b, it gives an error

cannot use &p_c.b (type *[75]C.char) as type *[10]C.char in argument to StructMemberCopy

Can anyone give some inputs as to how to write the generalized argument for func StructMemberCopy, as my C Structure array member size can vary. How the first argument for func StructMemberCopy be so that it can take array of different size. . Mean it can become

typedef struct {
    char a[10];
    char b[75]; 

or typedef struct {
    char a[15];
    char b[40];

You have defined p_c.b to be [75]char but your StructMemberCopy is expecting a *[10]char as its dest… you are also not null terminating your char arrays.

Go does not allow you to create non-constant (dynamic) arrays like you need on the fly, I highly suggest you edit your C code to accept a normal *C.char, or create a wrapper around the function to convert *C.char into whatever char arrays you require.

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