Function variables are faster than functions?

I was doing a leetcode problem, and discovered that this code:

func floodFill(image [][]int, sr int, sc int, color int) [][]int {
    original :=image[sr][sc] 
    if original == color {
        return image

    fill(image,  sr, sc, color, original)

    return image

func fill(image [][]int, sr int, sc int, color int, original int) {
    image[sr][sc] = color

    if sr > 0 && image[sr-1][sc] == original {
        fill(image,  sr-1, sc, color, original)

    if sc > 0 && image[sr][sc-1] == original {
        fill(image,   sr, sc-1, color, original)

    if sc < len(image[0]) - 1 && image[sr][sc+1] == original {
        fill(image,  sr, sc+1, color, original)

    if sr < len(image) - 1 && image[sr+1][sc] == original {
        fill(image,  sr+1, sc, color, original)

is actually slower (10ms) than this other code (3ms)

func floodFill(image [][]int, sr int, sc int, color int) [][]int {
    original :=image[sr][sc] 
    if original == color {
        return image

    var fill func( sr int, sc int ) 
    fill = func(  sr int, sc int ) {
        image[sr][sc] = color

        if sr > 0 && image[sr-1][sc] == original {
            fill(  sr-1, sc )

        if sc > 0 && image[sr][sc-1] == original {
            fill(   sr, sc-1 )

        if sc < len(image[0]) - 1 && image[sr][sc+1] == original {
            fill(  sr, sc+1 )

        if sr < len(image) - 1 && image[sr+1][sc] == original {
            fill(  sr+1, sc )

    fill(  sr, sc )

    return image

Is this a side effect of their platform (the instance that ran the first version is a bit faster), or is this a clue that func variables are faster than functions ?

Hi! Closure vs function has no difference. What makes your code faster is the less closure arguments number; in fact you’re using an in loco instance of image[][] instead of passing it call by call (the first case + color + original).
It’s one of the advantages of lambdas in call-by-value programming languages (if well used).
Ah and …don’t take leetcode times as the holy grail, if you run your program several times indeed you always have different (sometimes a lot) results.

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