Read the .csv file as if a .txt file. For each line, replace commas not inside quotes ('"') by tabs ("\t" or 0x09). Write the input .csv file, after conversion, with a .tsv file extension. Check the output .tsv file. For visibility, I have shown the tab character ("\t" or 0x09) as \t in the examples.
Read the .tsv file. For each field, trim leading and trailing spaces. If the first and last characters of the field are quotes ('"') trim them. Write the .tsv file. Check the output .tsv file.
Read the .tsv file. For each field, if removing commas and strconv.ParseFloat returns err == nil then remove commas. Write the .tsv file. Check the output .tsv file.
The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem: The XY Problem.
Your csv file is not corrupt. Your solution would corrupt your csv file by removing commas from fields. Removing quotes surrounding fields is wrong. Your csv file could use some fixes to make it more usable.