Errors importing package

I have a go app with this structure:

rschluet-general-ledger (the project directory)

I use this same setup for a number of other packages and they work fine

main.go has

import (
	uniqueIdentifier := archithreadsdb.NewUniqueIdentifier()

I have other packages setup with this same structure and imports and they work fine. In this particular case, I get these errors:

./main.go:4:2: imported and not used: "rschluet-general-ledger/archithreadsdb" as archithreadsDB
./main.go:105:22: undefined: archithreadsdb

Obviously, archithreadsdb IS used. If I purposely create an error in archithreadsdb, that error is reported:

archithreadsdb/archithreadsdb.go:17:2: undefined: cxcxcvx

so I know the compiler is processing archithreadsdb first with no errors(after removing the purposeful error.

I tried calling archithreadsdb from administration package and got the same errors.

It seems as if rschluet-general-ledger/archithreadsdb defines its own package name as archithreadsDB (uppercase “DB”), while you use archithreadsdb (lowercase “db”) in your code.


Thanks, Norbert, sometimes you just need another pair of eyes on an issue. I guess my eyes are not case-sensitive. I changed archithreadsdb to arDB everywhere and it works and easier to work with.

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