Entity and repository implementation


I designed an app that depends on DB entity and repository as shown below. However, I am not sure if my design is acceptable as far as Golang goes?



repo := repository{// db goes here}
.... := repo.findOneByID(// uuid goes here)
.... := repo.insert(// entity goes here)


package user

type entity struct {
	uuid string
	name string


package user

type repository struct {
	db *sql.DB

func (r repository) findOneByID(id string) (*entity, err) {
	// Execute `SELECT` query here
	// ...
	return entity, err

func (r repository) insert(e *entity) (string, error) {
	// Execute `INSERT` query here
	// ...
	return uuid, err
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It looks fine to me. I would not return a pointer to entity. It’s so small and light, you may return the entity as a value.

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