Dynamic Object creation on Unmarshalling JSON

I am trying to dynamically create and invoke a common method after parsing JSON file. The JSON file has an array of “vehicle Types”

    "vehicle": [


type car struct {}
type truck struck {}

type driveInterface interface {

func (car) drive {
    fmt.Println("Driving Car")


func (truck) drive {
    fmt.Println("Driving truck")

Here a sample

package main

import (

type driveInterface interface {

type car struct {
license string
owner string

func (c car) drive() {
fmt.Printf(“Driving Car”)

type truck struct {
license string
driver string
wheels int

func (t truck) drive() {
fmt.Println(“Driving truck”)

func showVehicles(vehicles []driveInterface) {
for _, vehicle := range vehicles {

func main() {
car1 := car{“1”, “Donald Duck”}
car2 := car{“2”, “Mickey Mouse”}

truck1 := truck{"4", "John", 8}
truck2 := truck{"5", "Jane", 6}

vehicles := []driveInterface{car1, car2, truck1, truck2}


I think this is what you’re looking for: https://play.golang.org/p/b0T5xm_MGfc

There may be other (maybe “better”) ways to do this, but I see JSON as a temporary serialization encoding format and if you need to encode something more than “plain ol’ data”, then you need helper functions to translate that data into the proper types.

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