Docker Build not working

Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this in case anyone knows the answer to what might be a simple question.
I’m a beginner with Go and Docker. I have written a simple webapp that connects to a MySQL PaaS on GCP. When I run the code locally it works fine. I would like to containerize the application and run it as a container.
I get the following error;
main.go:16:5: cannot find package “go-sql-driver/mysql” in any of:
** /usr/local/go/src/go-sql-driver/mysql (from $GOROOT)**
** /go/src/go-sql-driver/mysql (from $GOPATH)**
The command ‘/bin/sh -c CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /bin/demo’ returned a non-zero code: 1
For the following dockerfile
FROM golang:1.11-alpine AS build

COPY main.go /form/ /src/*

RUN apk update -qq && apk add git
RUN go get -d
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /bin/demo

FROM scratch
COPY --from=build /bin/demo /bin/demo
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/demo"]

Thanks for any tips to stop me going mad!

Is your code using modules? Why use a so old Go image?

I think this is the relevant code.

`import (

_ ""

)func dbConn() (db *sql.DB) {
dbDriver := “mysql”
dbUser := “root”
dbPass := “qwerty”
dbName := “go”
db, err := sql.Open(dbDriver, dbUser+":"+dbPass+"@tcp("+dbName)
if err != nil {
return db

Well clearly mysql driver isn’t in the container, are you installing the driver when you create the container?

Thanks for the response. As it’s the first time I’ve done this, I think I need a hand getting this done in the dockerfile.
`FROM golang:1.11-alpine AS build

COPY main.go /form/* /src/

RUN apk update -qq && apk add git
RUN go get -d
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /bin/demo

FROM scratch
COPY --from=build /bin/demo /bin/demo
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/demo"]`

Update. Got it to work with this. Now I would like to work on the scratch build.
`FROM golang:1.11-alpine AS build

COPY . /src/

RUN apk update -qq && apk add git
RUN go get “

CMD go run /main.go

Doesn’t work. When I run the container I get this.
C:\Users\sesa82231\Desktop\Ant\go\testapi>docker container run -p 8080:8080 testapi main.go:16:5: cannot find package "go-sql-driver/mysql" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/go-sql-driver/mysql (from $GOROOT) /go/src/go-sql-driver/mysql (from $GOPATH)

There was a good question about using modules, are you using modules or there is a reason not to and to use GOPATH-based way of installing things?

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