Deadlock errors in main go

I’m student and I practice golang since 3 weeks. I have a problem with my code here

Can you help me ?

I have to create graph with node and looking for the leader at the end (the max ID)

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package main

import (

func Max(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
	return y
return x

type Message struct {
Id       int
IsLeader bool

type GraphNode struct {
edges      *list.List
localId    int
leaderId   int
synChannel <-chan int

type bidirectionalEdge struct {
inChannel  <-chan Message
outChannel chan<- Message
fromId     int
toId       int

var wg sync.WaitGroup

func NewGraphNode(id int, synChannel <-chan int) *GraphNode {
return &GraphNode{list.New(), id, -3, synChannel}

func (node *GraphNode) addEdge(edge bidirectionalEdge) {

func (edge bidirectionalEdge) listen(result *int) {
fmt.Println("### Listening ", edge.fromId, ">", edge.toId)

last_max := -1

for receivedMessage := range edge.inChannel {
	fmt.Println("<<<", edge.fromId, "- Received:", receivedMessage.Id, receivedMessage.IsLeader)

	max := Max(edge.fromId, receivedMessage.Id)
	if max > last_max {
		last_max = max
		edge.outChannel <- Message{max, false}
		fmt.Println(">>>", edge.fromId, "- Sent (", max, ") To", edge.toId)

if last_max > *result {
	*result = last_max


 // Main code for all nodes
func (n *GraphNode) Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// Done will be executed once the for loop is over, i.e., the inChannels is closed
defer wg.Done()

synCode := <-n.synChannel

fmt.Println("*", n.localId, "- Step #", synCode, "Initialization")

// Inialisation: every node sends its id to the next node on the ring
for e := n.edges.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
	e.Value.(bidirectionalEdge).outChannel <- Message{n.localId, false}
	fmt.Println(">>>", e.Value.(bidirectionalEdge).fromId, "- Sent (", n.localId, ") To", e.Value.(bidirectionalEdge).toId)


synCode = <-n.synChannel

fmt.Println("*", n.localId, "- Step #", synCode, "Listening")

result := -2

for e := n.edges.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
	go e.Value.(bidirectionalEdge).listen(&result)


synCode = <-n.synChannel

fmt.Println("*", n.localId, "- Step #", synCode, "Closing channels")

for e := n.edges.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {


synCode = <-n.synChannel

fmt.Println("*", n.localId, "- Step #", synCode, "Publishing results")

n.leaderId = result

if n.localId == n.leaderId {
	fmt.Println("###", n.localId, "- I AM THE LEADER!")
} else {
	fmt.Println("###", n.localId, "- Leader elected:", n.leaderId)


func main() {
n := 5

synChan := make(chan int, 1)

lis_nodes := list.New()

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
	lis_nodes.PushBack(NewGraphNode(i, synChan))

for e1 := lis_nodes.Front(); e1 != nil; e1 = e1.Next() {
	for e2 := lis_nodes.Front(); e2 != nil; e2 = e2.Next() {
		if e1 != e2 {
			c1_2 := make(chan Message, 1)
			c2_1 := make(chan Message, 1)

			e1.Value.(*GraphNode).addEdge(bidirectionalEdge{c2_1, c1_2, e1.Value.(*GraphNode).localId, e2.Value.(*GraphNode).localId})
			e2.Value.(*GraphNode).addEdge(bidirectionalEdge{c1_2, c2_1, e2.Value.(*GraphNode).localId, e1.Value.(*GraphNode).localId})


for e := lis_nodes.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
	fmt.Println("### Starting Node", e.Value.(*GraphNode).localId)
	go e.Value.(*GraphNode).Run(&wg)

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
	synChan <- 1

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
	synChan <- 2

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
	synChan <- 3

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
	synChan <- 4

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
	synChan <- 5
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What problem? Do you get an error? Which? What is the result you expect? What result to you receive?

Hi lutzhorn,

I think i have the correct output but at the end i have this error :

fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

goroutine 1 [chan send]:
	/tmp/sandbox157641356/prog.go:170 +0x720

At the end, i need to return the identification of the leader and this this my result :

* 1 - Step # 4 Publishing results
### 1 - Leader elected: 5
* 5 - Step # 4 Publishing results
### 5 - I AM THE LEADER!
* 3 - Step # 4 Publishing results
### 3 - Leader elected: 5
* 2 - Step # 4 Publishing results
### 2 - Leader elected: 5
* 4 - Step # 4 Publishing results
### 4 - Leader elected: 5

Ok my bad I understand.

I send 5 in my synChan in my main when I don’t have a step 5.

When I delete this;

for i := 1; i &lt;= n; i++ {
synChan &lt;- 5 

it’s works. Thanks for get time to read.