Data science in Golang

Hi folks, just wanted to understand if you guys build any datapipelines using golang ?

hi, here’s the example code for building a data pipeline using Golang
package main

import (

// Service for data collection
func collectData(input chan<- string) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// Collect and send log data
data := fmt.Sprintf(“Log data %d”, i)
input ← data

	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // Arbitrary delay



// Worker for data preprocessing
func preprocessData(input <-chan string, output chan<- string) {
for data := range input {
// Perform data preprocessing
preprocessedData := fmt.Sprintf(“Preprocessed: %s”, data)

	// Send preprocessed data to the next stage
	output <- preprocessedData



// Service for data storage
func saveData(input <-chan string) {
for data := range input {
// Perform data storage operation
fmt.Printf(“Saving data: %s\n”, data)

// Data storage complete


// Service for displaying a dashboard
func displayDashboard(input <-chan string) {
for data := range input {
// Perform dashboard display operation
fmt.Printf(“Displaying data: %s\n”, data)

func main() {
// Create channels
dataChannel := make(chan string)
preprocessedDataChannel := make(chan string)

// Data collection
go collectData(dataChannel)

// Data preprocessing
go preprocessData(dataChannel, preprocessedDataChannel)

// Data storage
go saveData(preprocessedDataChannel)

// Display dashboard

// Wait for a while to observe the results
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)


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