Custom terraform provider

I try to build custom terraform provider using Go Toolchain for servicenow basen on the repository:
GitHub - tylerhatton/terraform-provider-servicenow: A Terraform provider for managing ServiceNow resources..
I build plugin with documentation >> Writing Custom Terraform Providers.

But when I build the plugin using go toolchain I receive error executing the binary I just created.

./terraform-provider-example: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token newline' ./terraform-provider-example: line 1: !’

I use go version go1.21.10 (Red Hat 1.21.10-1.el9_4) linux/amd64

Last time, a year ago when I was building a plugin, I did not have such an error. The only difference is that earlier I used Docker (I don’t remember what version of it I had then) for compilation and now I use Podman.
Can I ask for support and guidance on what I should do to eliminate this problem?

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