Custom Error comparison fails

type NotFoundError struct {
    errMessage string

func (n NotFoundError) Error() string {
    return n.errMessage

func main() {
    err := test()
    var notFound NotFoundError
    fmt.Println(errors.Is(err, notFound)) // prints false

func test() error {
    err := NotFoundError{errMessage: "Not Found"}
    return err

Hi all, fmt.Println(errors.Is(err, notFound)) prints false. Please someone help me understand why it is happening.

Because NotFoundError{errMessage: "Not Found"} != NotFoundError{}.

You could use errors.As instead and you will get true:

package main

import (

type NotFoundError struct {
	errMessage string

func (n NotFoundError) Error() string {
	return n.errMessage

func main() {
	err := test()
	var notFound NotFoundError
	fmt.Println(errors.As(err, &notFound)) // prints true
	fmt.Println(notFound, err) // now notFound has the original errMessage

func test() error {
	err := NotFoundError{errMessage: "Not Found"}
	return err
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