Crazy to use Go in a CRUD App

I own a freight brokerage that specializes in automation by making our own automation software. The “OS” of a freight brokerage is a Transportation Management System, these share many of the same objects as a CRM and generally are bundled with one. I made our first TMS on top of Salesforce with APEX because I had to spin something up on the fly.

As I prepare for the development of the second version of this TMS+CRM that we will be hosting on-prem, I’ve sampled many languages and open-source software. I’m very impressed by the speed and efficiency of just about everything that is written in Go, yet I haven’t found one CRM or any notable CRUD apps that are using it on the backend.

Having never programmed in Go before, I have to ask, is it feasible to consider creating our TMS+CRM in Go with something as simple as HTMX & “Vanilla” JS on the front end?

Hi, It’s totally feasible to write that app in Go. You can start checking the learn chapter in Get Started - The Go Programming Language and in particular Web Dev link (

I think this is the kind of use case where Go would really shine. I’ve shipped many CRUD apps with Go on the back-end myself. I haven’t used HTMX but Go+HTMX is generally well regarded:

What other options are you considering? If I were you I’d create a proof of concept to test the waters with a few different technologies.

Original (?) Post:

My background is data and reporting. Nowadays they would call me a data engineer/data analyst. Ever so often I would learn a new programming language or new skill as a hobby. Last year was wood working, got expensive, so this year its back to coding. I have done a few small scale CRUD apps in GO. I am wrapping up an app using go, templ, and htmx with sql server as the back end. Sql Server is in a docker container. If I can make a horrible looking htmx front end with GO. You can do a TMS. This caught my attention because my wife has been doing logistics and transportation for years now. When she and I were both working from home and I would here the one-sided conversations dealing with the truckers, ports, and freight brokers. I saw her in a totally different light because she would go from sweet innocent puppy to a full out apex alpha wolf when people weren’t doing their jobs. Anyway my advice is to keep it simple at first and then as you learn more you can get more creative.