I have a map (string) of “tag” to convert “words” into a text
this list of “Tags” must be replaced by values coming from a structure
var users struc {
login String json:" options "
passwd String json:" options "
var folders struc {
arch String json:" folders "
dest String json:" folders "
var TAGS = map [string] string {
"{login}": "users.login",
"{passwd}": "users.passwd",
"{archive}": "folders.arch",
"{dest}": "folders.dest",
Something like this:
var test = "Name = {login} archive = {archive} destination = {dest} / {login}"
var realTest = ReplaceTag (test, &TAGS)
I don’t know how to convert the strings from the value to the real value of the structure.
I know how to do it directly but not when it is in the form of a string
i make a “Go Playground” to be more clear : https://play.golang.org/p/qhmYnwiB5NO
thank you in advance
(Lutz Horn)
September 3, 2020, 7:13am
So your question is how to implement ReplaceTag
to convert
"Name = {login} archive = {archive} destination = {dest} / {login}"
"Name = users.login archive = folders.arch destination = folders.dest / users.login"
Did I get this correctly? What are folders
and users
used for?
Not exactly
Want to replace with the “values ” of the structure, The struct itself reflecting the result a JSON file
i make a “Go Playground” to be more clear: Go Playground - The Go Programming Language
Note: This work if i use le “TAG” map in the main() like this:
TAGS := map[string]string{
"{login}": conf.Users.Login,
"{passwd}": conf.Users.Passwd,
"{archive}": conf.Folders.Archive,
"{dest}": conf.Folders.Destination,
But i need this Map elsewhere, so i must declared it in global
in PHP we can do something like this:
$Bar = “a”;
$Foo = “Bar”;
$World = “Foo”;
$Hello = “World”;
$a = “Hello”;
$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a
(Sean Killian)
September 3, 2020, 5:20pm
That’s very “eval-like.” Go doesn’t have anything like an eval function. You could do something with functions like this: https://play.golang.org/p/mFsFrVAQjG_I or you could could use templates: https://play.golang.org/p/bjHovjaoR7W
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Great ! thank you so much
I changed things slightly but the principle is there, it works
var TAGS = map[string]string{
"{login}": "Users.Login",
"{passwd}": "Users.Passwd",
"{archive}": "Folders.Archive",
"{dest}": "Folders.Destination",
func main() {
conf := config{}
json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &conf)
var buf bytes.Buffer
for tag, value := range TAGS {
template.Must(template.New("").Parse("{{."+value+"}}")).Execute(&buf, conf)
TestString = strings.ReplaceAll(TestString, tag, string(buf.Bytes()))
December 2, 2020, 9:16pm
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