Compile a package mips32 platform


I have a router running TomatoUSB and a 4g stick. And I want to use this, but for this, I have to install the hi-link program, which is written in go lang.

I have an openwrt-go gccgo, but I Cannot compile it, because it says the following:

# env CC=mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc GOPATH=/home/pisti/go/ GOGCCFLAGS="-g -O2 -fPIC -m32 -pthread" go get -compiler=gccgo -u
gccgo: error: unrecognized command line option '-m64'

What Can I Do?


Ps.: Sorry for my bad English…

And when I specify the 386 GOARCH, it says the following:

root@KStudio:/home/pisti/go/src/ env CC=mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc GOPATH=/home/pisti/go/ GOGCCFLAGS="-g -O2 -fPIC -m32 -pthread" GOARCH="386" go build -compiler=gccgo
gccgo: error: unrecognized command line option '-m32'

What shall I Do?

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

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