Communications between api-s inside localhost

i have nginx which have sertificate signed trusted center. Here config of nginx

root /var/www/html;
        # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
        index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

        ssl_certificate $HOME/.site.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key $HOME/.site.key;
        if ($scheme != "https") {
                return 301 https://localhost:8282$request_uri;
        location / {
                # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
                proxy_pass http://localhost:8282/;

Behind this nginx, on 8282 port, listen golang server with some api. If i try to apply to the api from other network, not localhost(android web browser+internet from SIM for example), if this api doesn’t have internal call to api, i get corretly answer from this api. But if i try to call api whose have internal call to api in localhost, i get incorrect result, because apis can’t communicate between if it locate inside one network(localhost). Example api which get incorrect result and locate inside localhost

func Create_user(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    encode_data := Get_encoded_form_values(w, r)
    decode_data := JSON_struct{}
    tmplsrv.Decoding(encode_data, &decode_data)
    params := url.Values{
        "email":    {r.FormValue("email")},
        "password": {r.FormValue("password")},
    //call other api which check existence user in database
    check_user_answer := Requester("https://localhost/check_user/", w, r, encode_data, params)
    answer := Answer{}
    tmplsrv.Decoding(check_user_answer, &answer)
    if answer.Answr == "NotFound" {
        //Call other api for new token .
        new_token_answer := Requester("https://localhost/create_token/", w, r, encode_data, params)
        tmplsrv.Decoding(new_token_answer, &answer)
        decode_data.JWT_token = answer.Answr
    if answer.Answr == "" {
        // I always locate in this conditin because internal call apis unsuccsessful
        w.Write([]byte("Unable to create user"))
    } else {
        w.Write([]byte("User exists"))

But if i disable nginx i can make internal call api by http://ip:port/uri?values.

How can i make call api inside localhost with nginx? Thanks

Could you publish some code of the Go server (the listen part)? Anyway, why are you using nginx because you can serve the pages directly from the Go server wich also can use certificates.

It works with http://localhost:8282/uri?value while call api from api

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