Closing other services while shutting down HTTP server


Just wondering if I am over-engineering the application shutdown by manually closing other service connections.

This is what I am currently doing. Is there a benefit of calling DB.Close or REDIS.Close at all? I mean the HTTP server is shutdown so I believe all the other services will be killed automatically. Am I right?

func shutdown( // ...) {
	// ...

	// chan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	// signal.Notify(signChan, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)

	if err := HTTPServer.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
		// ...

	if err := DB.Close(); err != nil {
		// ...

	if err := REDIS.Close(); err != nil {
		// ...

Closing connections to external resources manually will usually enforce clean disconnection and also wait for other go-routines still writing to the socket, while a hard exit will indeed close the connection, but the external service might take a while to realise it due to timeouts or currently running transactions might be canceled/rollbacked.

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@NobbZ Thanks for the prompt answer and explanation. One last thing to clarify, since the HTTP shutdown is listening on certain OS signals in order to gracefully shutdown the server, I believe manually closing external resources to enforce clean disconnection, as you said, is an ideal way of doing things. Am I correct to assume this?

The rule is to clean up after oneself. This means, properly closing connections, files, deleting lock files, etc.

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Besides the fact that is a good practice to clean up after you, in your particular case, using Redis seems that is mandatory to do this beacause you can’t be sure if the database have a timeout or not.

By default recent versions of Redis don’t close the connection with the client if the client is idle for many seconds: the connection will remain open forever.

However if you don’t like this behavior, you can configure a timeout, so that if the client is idle for more than the specified number of seconds, the client connection will be closed.

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Thank you @geosoft1. Good to know the details. I’ll stick with explicitly closing connections to other services too.

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