Clear http handler's resource

I am very new to golang. I have some handlers that make use of go’s http package. Go version is 1.6.x. Before a handler gets executed, there are some filter operations which may perform operations like rate limit. And the rate limit do some leaky bucket checking, so there is a queue like list and each handler will check and register its timestamp to redis.

Now I know that each handler is handled by go routine as mentioned by [1]. So I am thinking when the handler is accomplished its execution, I can cleanup its related info from redis. However I check online, I do not find doc mentioning how to perform post-operation.

The only info I found so far is [2] where seemingly I can use channel to receive notification by spawning a go routine for cleanup. Is this the only way to do that. If so, it seems that I need to insert such cleanup function to all endpoints/ handlers I have. If there are 100 endpoints/ handlers, I need to insert 100 lines to the end of all those handlers/ endpoints. Is there better way to do this? Thanks


There is a way that I use on my websites. Dynamic way, sort of. This has served a static site for a couple of years. The endpoint variable is created from r.URL.Path and if there is no html page, it serves a 404 page. The Web Server This code serves about 50 endpoints.

There is another approach to store this instead redis, like algorithm Token Bucket, you can use this package for this:

or an implementation a little bit more simple, but manually, see this:

How are you performing these operations before the handler is executed? If it’s with some sort of wrapper around the goroutines, can you just add a call to cleanup the related data in redis to after the handler gets called?

I don’t know how these handler resources are created but normally this is the classic case for the middleware pattern:

func middleware(handler http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

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