Chip-8 Emulator Written in Go

Hello :wave: I wanted to share a little side project with you all. If there is any interest in how it works, I’ve documented quite a bit of the code. There are also links in the to the resources I used to learn how to build it.

I made it because I’ve been really interested in similar areas of work recently (languages, parsers, VMs), but had never built a game emulator. If you have interest in this type of thing, this was an awesome place to start because of it’s comparatively lower complexity (only 35 opcodes), and the amount of resources available (lots of blog posts, implementations, etc).

Right now there is a bug in the audio (“beep”), but other than that it seems to work well. It is a WIP and I haven’t added any tests, but next I want to add some flags for things like refresh rate, background color, etc. Contributions welcome!

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